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Outrage In Keys Over Transexuals' Rights Comments


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I don't understand what you mean in terms of the requirement for surgery, could you please explain Concrete?


I may have misunderstood, so forgive me if I'm wrong. If sex is determined by those physical characteristics as you say ('on the outside') and are born so, but the person genuinely feels they are the opposite sex ('in the wrong body') and wants recognition. If they're then recognized as the opposite sex, but all the physical indicators don't suggest so - you can see how it's a dilemma as the typical indicators don't apply.

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Why is what sex you are so important anyway, all a bit juvenile, ASL? Who cares? I often wonder why I have to say wether Im male or female on forms, what difference does it make to my driving license? Insurance, etc etc, pointless really.


Edit : I have just had a most amusing thought, as I find all this male female stuff intrusive nonsense I shall wear a fake beard when driving, in protest - to the revolution!!

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or in your case a twat a twat..

Well you can't get much more descriptive than that, you know, language wise and that, lol,lol..... ; ))


no or this from a thread about a dying minor celeb ..



quote keyboarder.

Who gives a toss about Jade Goody? She's not a real person you know, she's just teevee innit........... ; ))


see what i said about you being a twat is based in fact .. its not pretty or cleverly wrote just str8 to the point.

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look at the posts i sometimes make .. they are just pure ejaculations of frustration

Well they're wank.


ps are amadeus and ans the same person then...??


I'm afraid this sort of question can only be answered in the Subscriber's forum.

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Please enlighten me TV, sorry I mean LDV, you seem to have a great under standing of being a TV by the sounds of things.


I think you're confusing TV with TS, and I don't think LDV is either


Let's try to be fair to Mr Haughton. He obviously did not read or understand the brief that went with the bill. He obviously did not realise it was just about a legal recognition of the status of someone who changes sex. Not about operations, or the cost, which has been going on unnoticed for years. Just a simple statement about legal status.


He is not alone in not understanding or bothering to understand what is put before him.


Secodly, as Old Git says - he is confusing two words. He obviously thinks the bill is about "transvestites" which he probably thinks are men (usually) dresssing in womens clothes for some sexual thrill. Hence the 'indecent' quote - there is no other reason to use such a word.


He has no obviously has no conception about what a transexual is and the genuine problems they have.


It might just be a misunderstanding of the English language and about what his job is as a legislator.


You're making a lot of assumptions in his favour in an attempt to be "fair". He's had plenty of time to learn the English language, and what his job is. Assuming you're right, I suppose it's therefore fair to say he's an incompetent idiot who is incapable of representing his constituents because he's incapable of understanding words.

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look at the posts i sometimes make .. they are just pure ejaculations of frustration

Well they're wank.


ps are amadeus and ans the same person then...??


I'm afraid this sort of question can only be answered in the Subscriber's forum.


tell me declan are you ever confused as to what i mean when i post..??

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I may have misunderstood, so forgive me if I'm wrong. If sex is determined by those physical characteristics as you say ('on the outside') and are born so, but the person genuinely feels they are the opposite sex ('in the wrong body') and wants recognition. If they're then recognized as the opposite sex, but all the physical indicators don't suggest so - you can see how it's a dilemma as the typical indicators don't apply.


Aah right I get you. Good question and good point. The person who is transsexual is not recognised as male or female until they have had the op and receive something from the hospital to state that they have had reassignment.

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Why is what sex you are so important anyway, all a bit juvenile, ASL? Who cares? I often wonder why I have to say wether Im male or female on forms, what difference does it make to my driving license? Insurance, etc etc, pointless really.


Edit : I have just had a most amusing thought, as I find all this male female stuff intrusive nonsense I shall wear a fake beard when driving, in protest - to the revolution!!


In many specific respects it would seem an irrelevance. But in so many other respects it carried a lot of significance, maybe it should not. But people make assumptions on who you are and behave based on what your sex is, and believe that people of either sex SHOULD behave in particular ways.


What revolution? Is that still being planned?

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You're making a lot of assumptions in his favour in an attempt to be "fair". He's had plenty of time to learn the English language, and what his job is. Assuming you're right, I suppose it's therefore fair to say he's an incompetent idiot who is incapable of representing his constituents because he's incapable of understanding words.


You might be onto something there. In fact it might explain his conduct in the Whitley Council. The union chappie probably asked him to "pass the beer and sandwiches" and JH thought that meant "I'll rip your heart out and feed it to my mynah bird." Confused, JH left the meeting and thought he'd check what the shop steward had said to him at the Police Station, which he thought meant library.

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