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Outrage In Keys Over Transexuals' Rights Comments


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He's allowed to because he was elected. I suppose one advantage of the Manx system is that his transgender constinuents have another representative to turn to. Unfortunately that is Bill Henderson but you can't have it all.

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If politicians acted on all public views we'd really be in the sh1t. We've seen the impact of that with Blair and Broon and their pandering to the media.


The issue of capital punishment is complex, unlike many of the Brits that shout out about bringing it back - negating to see all of the complex issues, not least the potential killing innocent people, associated with it.


There wouldn't be need for politicians if the public gave their views and made decisions on them. I think it has to be recognised how much propaganda and brainwashing goes into the publics perception of issues. Because as you say, all it takes is for the media and government to start advertising some isse and then there can be public frenzy.


Never read much about capital punishment as to why it would stopped then and the official reasons for it. Interesting though.

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I find this whole subject disturbing on so many levels. You are born a bloke/woman, you die a bloke/woman. No amount of surgery will change the fact that you are one or the other.


Having had to deal with the PC involved in working with a woman who was a man (or the other way round, none of us were sure), I can say first hand it is extremely difficult to do the 'right thing'. Especially when it involves things like where you would treat a woman completely differently to a man (Heavy lifting for example in my case). Do you say "Here, I will lift that, it looks a bit heavy" or do you say "Sod it, he is a bloke, he can lift it himself".


Which will offend the person in question? Who knows?


You will get some transgenders who will take offence to the fact you think they are still a bloke, others will take issue with you treating them with chivalry.


I can only assume that this was the kind of thing this MHK has reservations about with legislation, but do agree the way he has gone about it is utterly wrong.


Actually, I think you are wrong. You are born with a male or female body but that doesn't necessarily make you a man or a woman.


Doing the right thing would be to treat that person as you would anyone of that gender.


I assume that the MHK has issues with beliefs about the invaiability of someone's sex and gender based possibly based on religious views or a normative understanding of what gender is.


I don't know what you mean about this idea of chivalry. I don't see how it enters into it.

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i agree with china the ramsey side of the island certainly carry more Neanderthal genes than elsewhere..


there brains were different and there was plenty of inter-breeding in hard times..


But they can spell, so I hear.


you will have to point out my error then as im to yokelish to see it ..

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I'm sure the transexuals in question would be horrified to know that they'd mildly inconvenienced you over an issue which dominates their entire lives...


And I think in the 21 century we should hopefully be moving away from ideas of chivalry that relate to treating to women different than men based on ability. If someone will obviously struggle with something let them ask for help or offer if you know they can't do it. Don't treat a woman as if she needs a man's help.

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I'm sure the transexuals in question would be horrified to know that they'd mildly inconvenienced you over an issue which dominates their entire lives...


And I think in the 21 century we should hopefully be moving away from ideas of chivalry that relate to treating to women different than men based on ability. If someone will obviously struggle with something let them ask for help or offer if you know they can't do it. Don't treat a woman as if she needs a man's help.



There are plenty of women in this world who have no problem at all with blokes opening doors, changing tyres, lifting heavy items for them. I am sure as hell not going to stop being chivalrous on the off chance that some feminist flagwaver gets the hump by it.

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'I stand by my comments. I represent my constituents and the majority of them will agree with what I said.'


I look forward to verifiable proof of this claim being produced in the public domain.

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There are plenty of women in this world who have no problem at all with blokes opening doors, changing tyres, lifting heavy items for them. I am sure as hell not going to stop being chivalrous on the off chance that some feminist flagwaver gets the hump by it.


And I don't doubt many women like being treated as such by men.

I don't see any merit in what you call chivalry in holding doors open when it is a woman as opposed to a man. It is old fashioned and sexist.

If you want to continue to carry out such behaviour then fine, but if it puts you in a quandary if you recognise that someone is transsexual then treat that person as they would appear to want.


But I do wonder what matters to you most if you place your need to be chivalrous over possibly offeding someone.

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