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Church Of England Bans The B N P


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I don't think the BNP are irrelevant unfortunately. They have enough voters to make it clear there are issues that need to be resolved. Mainly in removing ignorance and prejudice.


And the need for the main political groups to listen properly to what concerns people instead of mere soundbiting when it suits. Extremists gain ground where the agrieved feel they are not being heard.

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and both the tory and labour spin machines will not be able to demonise them forever .. working class people are angry and they will be heard as more become unsettled .. and only right too .. it will take new management aswell .. but they will eventually be an entity to be reckond with.

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I don't think the BNP are irrelevant unfortunately. They have enough voters to make it clear there are issues that need to be resolved. Mainly in removing ignorance and prejudice.


And the need for the main political groups to listen properly to what concerns people instead of mere soundbiting when it suits.


What do you mean? The political groups in the country are not there to listen to the people.

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hitler was clever he kept his friends close and his enemies closer still..


plus he borrowed millions ..by todays terms tens of billions to rebiuld his country and secretly built his war machine at the same time .. he never had any intention of paying back so he ordered his chancellor to just keep borrowing and borrowing whilst taking a tighter and tighter grip on his country ..


swap the names hitler // new labour .. and swap war machine for absolute power .. anyone notice the striking similarities.

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hitler was clever he kept his friends close and his enemies closer still..


plus he borrowed millions ..by todays terms tens of billions to rebiuld his country and secretly built his war machine at the same time .. he never had any intention of paying back so he ordered his chancellor to just keep borrowing and borrowing whilst taking a tighter and tighter grip on his country ..


swap the names hitler // new labour .. and swap war machine for absolute power .. anyone notice the striking similarities.

Don't know what you mean.


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Consider how Hitler gained power


Oh I see what you mean, if they ignore the people then parties like the BNP crop up or would amass more support? Well I think that many people believe that problems are being ignored. But it is the bigots who use nationalism, patriotism, and xenophobic and overblow the issues, isn't it?

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Is it ok to exclude a person from a job because of their political beliefs? Especially when that job is in the Church which is meant to be all about accepting the sinner or whatever?


BBC Link


Seems reasonable - members of the clergy cannot expect to receive the support of the church if they espouse views that are contrary to its doctrine. It's akin to a telephone salesman sacked for talking up the competition's products.


Interesting that this has popped up in the same week as the Geert Wilders story.

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