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Why Know Tt Week Entertainment


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To me it looks like the government are wanting to kill off the party feel of the TT, the street partys were the way to go from years ago, 3 stages top, middle and bottom.


The thing is i think they see the villa as the area to be and once they kill of the prom and push it all the villa's way they can then start charging entrance money.


It aint broke so why for years now have they decided to fix/ruin it year after year?


i agree the fair is not what bikers want all that did was to attract the islands youth towards the TT entertainment.


Bikers want Rock Music, Beer, stunt show's and skantily clad females, also maybe some bike builder shows were the public vote bit like x factor for bikes.


Follow that formula and you cannot go wrong


Ask the bikers what they want to see instead of pressuming :angry:

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Fair is a heap of shite. Same old repetitive 'stunt' shows and comperes every night on the prom were shite and annoying.


With music on at Bushys and the Villa and perhaps one or two places, plus perhaps a big screen at Jublilee clock to show days racing or bikers riding up and down dressed as women etc, I really dont see why it cant be an improvement on the prom.


Its all about the racing at the end of the day

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:( the poor bikers that come over for the tt..where are they all going to go macbeaths ? lol i think this may put the nail in the tt .would you come over? in 2010 after 2009?

Er, you may not realise this, but many (if not all) the bikers come over for that of-forgotten aspect of the festival - the races.


They do not flock here in their thousands to see a man on a rocket powered quad bike (again), or the some-what-past-it-now antics of the purple helmets.

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I have to agree with triskelion. The entertainment is the races.


Thousands of bikers in campsites, Peel, Port Erin, Ramsey etc who don't give two hoots what is going on in Douglas at night.


Bushy's tent will still be there anyway - beer and bands in a big tent, after a day at the races.


Ther's plenty going on in and around the Villa for the fuckwit sector. Which I must admit to falling into during TT.


Roll on TT2009 . . . . .

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Amen to all that....strip it back to the basics.


Good racing, cheap beer and music.


You can keep Steve Colley (and his spandex), Russ Swift and that looney on his quad....doesnt add anything in my opinion.


Big screen opposite Bushy's/the Villa with highlights of the day's racing would do the trick.....

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:( the poor bikers that come over for the tt..where are they all going to go macbeaths ? lol i think this may put the nail in the tt .would you come over? in 2010 after 2009?

Er, you may not realise this, but many (if not all) the bikers come over for that of-forgotten aspect of the festival - the races.


They do not flock here in their thousands to see a man on a rocket powered quad bike (again), or the some-what-past-it-now antics of the purple helmets.



I have to agree with triskelion. The entertainment is the races.


Thousands of bikers in campsites, Peel, Port Erin, Ramsey etc who don't give two hoots what is going on in Douglas at night.


Bushy's tent will still be there anyway - beer and bands in a big tent, after a day at the races.


Ther's plenty going on in and around the Villa for the fuckwit sector. Which I must admit to falling into during TT.


Roll on TT2009 . . . . .



Amen to all that....strip it back to the basics.


Good racing, cheap beer and music.


You can keep Steve Colley (and his spandex), Russ Swift and that looney on his quad....doesnt add anything in my opinion.


Big screen opposite Bushy's/the Villa with highlights of the day's racing would do the trick.....



The best years at the TT were when the entertainment was the races, bands in bars, rallies, motocross, trials, beer and impromptu entertainment...and of course wandering about looking at bikes and taking it all in!



where are they all going to go macbeaths ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/


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where are they all going to go macbeaths ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????






(One ? will generally suffice)


Don't worry, the big blue stripey tent will still be there, the one with the big bar in it and live music.


I am sure everyone will be made welcome at McBeaths too.


I say again: roll on TT2009!

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New entertainment yes - same shite as last year and year before and year......... NO


Agreed, the organisers I think have to try something different, and maybe that's what they are trying to do for 2009 instead of just churning out the same old thing. However if there is a hidden agenda about trying to kill off the TT that would be disappointing, but I would think there would be easier ways of cancelling it than spending alot of money putting the TT on, but making it less appealing for visitors. Is that not just going to cost the island money?


The prom entertainment has been the same year in year out. I'd reckon most visitors including myself could talk through Steve Colley and Russ Swifts routines in our sleep. Last year was a new low when we had folk on motorbikes that could barely do any stunts, and on one night....a guy on a BMX! I'd rather see the prom entertainment scrapped than die a slow and painful death.


The funfair used to add a bit of atmosphere, but when they started fencing it off it just looked terrible and you seen less and less families there and more and more chavs!


Visitors come primarily to see the racing. I'm sure most of them would be happy of an evening in the pub maybe watching a live band.

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