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[BBC News] Passenger drop less than expected


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I thought the Beeb would have reported the story in a more professional manner.


Have you read the drivel that arrives on here via newsbot?


Unless it was written by some local numpty ..................who do you think OKs and (then issues?) the airport's press releases? And what about the Empire State Control Tower? Does Heathrow on Sea really need a tower twice as tall as the current one. Talk about a blot on the landscape! Planning permission, anyone?

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i flew to UK on Monday and noticed there was 1 car in the new car park, which probably cost £500k plus consultancy fees.


Every time I drive past the 'Staff and VIP' carpark at Bee Gees International it's is about 30% full - why not use this for public parking? Looking at the more detailed airport report if the route load factors continue to plummet there will be a lot less employment at the airport as there will be a lot less carriers.


I guess you can't blame Ann Reynolds for the fall off in travelling public numbers but you can blame her for trying to dress mutton up as lamb in announcing a near 10% fall the way she did.


Maybe we could prepare some alternative wordings to do the same for her next announcement?

  • The 10% decline is quite small when compared with Kabul Airport's February returns.
  • The 10% decline in February reassuringly mirrors the decline achieved in January.
  • The 10% decline in February is small compared with other airports of similar runway length and control tower height.
  • Our February disimprovement of 10% is much less than projected by Gypsy Rosie when I consulted with her about our Business Plan forecasts.
  • The numbers are unbelievably bad, we have overspent on everyhthing we do without any benefit for the Manx taxpayers and I am resigning after handing back the bonuses I received in the job.

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Lets summarise the airports spin in the light of the comments from Alan Bell about public money :


1. The RESA are not now mandatory and indeed may never be so.

2. Current operators and indeed future operators could use the existing facilities with ease.

3. The money will not allow any aircraft to land in marginal weather conditions i.e. same as now.

4. Passenger numbers are nothing like the business plan as was intimated to Tynwald before the event.

5. No new carriers with larger aircraft will be attracted by the increased length as there is not the numbers to sustain them.

6. The new car park is not needed with forward planning the existing land could have coped for the foreseeable future.

7. The tower is complete overkill for an airfield with the traffic densities we have here, staff do deserve better facilities but that could have been achieved in a much more cost effective way.

8. All the directress will ever talk about now is safety and not the complete and utter mockery which was the business plan.

9. The cost of travel to and from the island continues to be too high and nothing has been done to address this fundamental issue.


You are certainly correct Mr Bell public money could have been used far better I fear we may wait a long time for the upturn to support this grandiose folly.

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How much more bullshit can this government generate?


Airport director, Anne Reynolds, said: "When many UK airports are experiencing double digit reductions in traffic, to be able to return a moderate fall of about 9% during the toughest month is reassuring."


What part of that is reassuring the fact that other airports are expieriencing doble digit reductions are we are merely just short of double digit reductions. Or the fact that we are paying £50m to extend a runway that decreasing numbers of air travellers are actually using?



Reminds me of Pan Am.


In their entire history, the company never reported a loss.....


They recorded "Negative Profits" !!!

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We do live on an Island and people do need to get on and off here, even in recessionary times!


UK airports are experiencing a fall in holiday traffic, unecessary business travel etc. I know that we have not had the same number of visits from area managers for the brands we represent recently!

I was in Birmingham Airport last Thursday and couldn't believe how quiet it was. I'm sure the lack of security staff and the subsequent ridiculously long queue was for effect.

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We do live on an Island and people do need to get on and off here, even in recessionary times!

Which reinforces the good new from Ann Reynolds that the IOM with a drop in passengers of more than 9% has reassuringly outperformed the BAA in the UK with its measly 6% drop .

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We do live on an Island and people do need to get on and off here, even in recessionary times!

Which reinforces the good new from Ann Reynolds that the IOM with a drop in passengers of more than 9% has reassuringly outperformed the BAA in the UK with its measly 6% drop .



The 9% drop is perhaps much worse than the UK against a background 'necessity' use of the airport due to us being an island, domestic traffic in the UK has many other competitors.

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