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Mea - Fuel Surcharge To Stay In Force

Albert Tatlock

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From MR: "The Manx Electricity Authority won’t be dropping its fuel surcharge in the near future."


"He says the MEA has decided to keep the charge in place to avoid a larger rise in the future."


Robbing gits. This all needs to be properly investigated and explained, and a few heads should be on trial IMO. Is this all being swept under a carpet?

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From MR: "The Manx Electricity Authority won’t be dropping its fuel surcharge in the near future."


"He says the MEA has decided to keep the charge in place to avoid a larger rise in the future."


Robbing gits. This all needs to be properly investigated and explained, and a few heads should be on trial IMO. Is this all being swept under a carpet?



No Albert. It's all in the open. MEA spent a fortune in taxpayers money in unauthorised deals and now the taxpayer has to pay it again in any way the MEA / government can get their hands on it. Obviously no point in punishing the guilty. We don't want to make a fuss, do we? After all, that would spoil the carefully-developed system of legitimised stealing practiced by just about every government department and institution on the Island. Make your own list of misappropriated funds, dodgy planning, departmental overspends, etc, etc.

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so the mea surcharge stays, what chance of the steam rackets having to go?? it would be very wrong for the government to say we are keeping ours but you should get rid of yours. what are the chances the OFT report says the rackets surcharge is ok in light of the mea thefts??

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Can I get this right ?-


They hiked the bills for fuel reasons, now the fuel is cheaper, they do not drop the prices giving the lame excuse that is it to save a price rise in the future!


So - when the prices go up in the future we can all complain right?


Its more of a case of - we can charge what we frigging well like, you dont have to pay it .... oh no wait! yes you do - SUCKERS!


Im now going to seek payment for the time they screwed up my power for a day, and the time I spent at home waiting in the car to keep warm. I think £50 should cover it, along with a fuel surcharge for keeping the car warm - lets say another £50.

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"He says the MEA has decided to keep the charge in place to avoid a larger rise in the future."


What do you expect from the robbing twats.


I had a letter the other week advising me that our meter had not been read since September 2007 (like its my bloody problem). As I pay by direct debt once an actual reading was taken I was £500 IN CREDIT.


They are a bloody disgrace if you ask me. Its nothing but the removal of money from your account on false pretences and the fuel surcharge is just another ploy to shaft you for even more money.



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One of the projects that is still going ahead in Ireland is the construction of an electricity interconnector with the UK for transfer of power and energy security. I am not sure of the line this will follow but if it comes anywhere near the Island we should link in to get electricity from elsewhere.


Oh wait a minute the Government have to do something about that don't they? And they will be wanting to protect the MEA...sorry forget it.

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One of the projects that is still going ahead in Ireland is the construction of an electricity interconnector with the UK for transfer of power and energy security. I am not sure of the line this will follow but if it comes anywhere near the Island we should link in to get electricity from elsewhere.


Oh wait a minute the Government have to do something about that don't they? And they will be wanting to protect the MEA...sorry forget it.

The Island already has an interconnector with the UK for the transfer of power and energy security, and has done for the last 6 or 7 years if my memory is correct.

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I think someone has extremely garbled the MEA price policy - the unit price will continue to rise by 5% above inflation for another few years, this was approved by Tynwald and is to pay for the extra borrowing the MEA took on. The Fuel Cost Adjustment will alter to reflect the MEA's fuel cost compared to a base year (2004 I think) if costs are higher than the base year the FCA will be adjusted up, if lower down.



Quintin Gill says prices ... can’t be lowered because of terms and conditions in a Tynwald rescue package.


Mr Gill explains the Fuel Cost Adjustment, which was imposed as oil and gas prices went up during 2008, could be removed, but the public could then face further rises if fuel costs rose again.

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bottom line is they know we have to buy their electricity, they can charge what they want in the name of paying of the (at the time ) illegal dept, but they won't actually pay it off any quicker, they will use the extra cash to fund the rest of their extortionate capital projects ( wet dreams ) and bail out investors in dodgy banks. the less electric you use the higher the price will be per unit cos they have got to recoup the cost at our expense somehow.

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bottom line is they know we have to buy their electricity, they can charge what they want in the name of paying of the (at the time ) illegal dept, but they won't actually pay it off any quicker, they will use the extra cash to fund the rest of their extortionate capital projects ( wet dreams ) and bail out investors in dodgy banks. the less electric you use the higher the price will be per unit cos they have got to recoup the cost at our expense somehow.



The MEA are paying off the KSF investors? No wonder the price won't change. and what other "extortionate capital projects" - do you know something we don't?


As I read the answer - the 2005 'rescue package' defined the a series of fixed above inflation rises while the Fuel Cost Adjustment was a separate issue. The new board can only play with the FCA figures and cannot change the fixed increases. Houghton knows this and voted for it (IIRC) so bleating about it now is just another attempt to deflect criticism re his atrocious handling of the Whitely(sp?) council debacle.


BTW don't be surprised if his statements about the MEA taking the wrong amount of money in direct debits turn out to be so much over-stated bollocks. Quintin Gill might not be your cup of tea as a politico but he does do what he promises - so expect him to investigate and publicise the findings.

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The Island already has an interconnector with the UK for the transfer of power and energy security, and has done for the last 6 or 7 years if my memory is correct.

Then I'd like to sign up for electricity from an alternative supplier from the UK please if I can buy it at UK prices.


As a consumer I did not ask the MEA to grossly mismanage its projects and would like to access an alternative supplier where I do not have to pay for management and Government incompetence. Could it be declared bankrupt, closed down, and we just buy in power from the UK? Is there any particular reaso why we need the MEA?

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