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I don't know why any Advisory body has been set-up or why people genuinely think that you can convince politicians to change their tack on ecstasy. They dont care too much about what the real level of risks and dangers are, but are just interested in the possible costs of votes if ignorant people in society don't like it. Ecstasy should be legalised, never mind dropped one a class.

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I don't know why any Advisory body has been set-up or why people genuinely think that you can convince politicians to change their tack on ecstasy. They dont care too much about what the real level of risks and dangers are, but are just interested in the possible costs of votes if ignorant people in society don't like it. Ecstasy should be legalised, never mind dropped one a class.


I always wondered why you talk such shite and now I know - you're just dropping a few before you post your happy clappy socialist claptrap on here.

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If it was made legal...


would you be able to drop 3 pills and legally be allowed to drive?


How would they test for it?


Who would produce, sell and regulate it?


If it was legal then whats to stop some turds knock up any old crap and sell it?


Reclass maybe, make it legal, no fecking chance.

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I always wondered why you talk such shite and now I know - you're just dropping a few before you post your happy clappy socialist claptrap on here.


If your difficulty in grasping relatively simple matters and ways of thinking is such that you still don't understand why I post then I would be happy to explain. You are probably just clueless or brainwashed on many matters. Besides, why drop a pill and type?

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If it was made legal...


would you be able to drop 3 pills and legally be allowed to drive?


How would they test for it?


Who would produce, sell and regulate it?


If it was legal then whats to stop some turds knock up any old crap and sell it?


Reclass maybe, make it legal, no fecking chance.


You are right, I don't think it at all possible while there is representative democracy. Nevertheless, it would be the best option. At present there is no testing, no control on production, and anyone can knock up any old crap. But they sometime do that anyway. If the best than can be achieved is to stop criminalising people who take the drug it would be a far better thing.

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If it was legal then whats to stop some turds knock up any old crap and sell it?


Just like now? That argument does not work.


The point about de criminalizing drugs would be to kill the illegal trade which has developed since some drugs were made illegal.


People are not going to stop using drugs. The illegality of drugs keeps gangsters in business and makes the society more violent. The illegal drugs trade is more dangerous to the society than the use of drugs.


The involvement of dangerous gangsters complicates the business of helping reduce the problems which some people find that they have with drugs.


The illegal drugs trade is one of the largest parts of the real economy. Some have estimated that is the world's 1/3 largest business.

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If it was made legal...


would you be able to drop 3 pills and legally be allowed to drive?


How would they test for it?


Who would produce, sell and regulate it?


If it was legal then whats to stop some turds knock up any old crap and sell it?


Reclass maybe, make it legal, no fecking chance.


1. No


2. The same way they test you if you refuse a piss test.


3. Bayer or GSK or some similar wonderful company.


4. You don't get much fake booze about, why would this be any different?

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Legalising ecstacy is too big a step too soon but I agree with it in principal because it would enable the drug to be more tightly controled. I would prefer to take the advice of medical experts rather than politicians when knowing how 'safe' a drug is. Let's face it no drug is entirely safe whether it is presently legal or not. People will take drugs regardless. Criminalising a drug does not stop people taking it and means that people have no idea what they are taking. Legalising a drug will mean that certain standards can be assured but some say that it 'might' lead to increased usage. I suppose the first step would be a sensible law with regards to cannabis (one that focuses on reality rather than political thought) and then other decisions about other drugs can be taken later.

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Legalising a drug will mean that certain standards can be assured but some say that it 'might' lead to increased usage. I suppose the first step would be a sensible law with regards to cannabis (one that focuses on reality rather than political thought) and then other decisions about other drugs can be taken later.


Maybe more people will take drugs if legal, but it doesn't make it right for the government to stop it or lessen it by criminalising it. But you could have enlightened methods of lessening the desire for people to take non-physically addictive drugs through education and I think by alleviating social deprivation and in removing other factors which make people desire escapism. But if legalisation meant that everyone wanted to try E, it wouldn't be a bad thing. And nobody would take it constantly. The potential problems of legalisation in every respect are nothing compared to the problems that more dangerous drugs cause.


But I think drugs should be assessed individuality, all things being equal in terms of the political system. More sensible I think. Once we start talking about heroin, cocaine, and speed it gets tricky. But certainly I think E, Ket, Cannabis and Mushrooms need assessing and decriminalising as a priority.


Having said that I agree with your last comment and wouldn't want to see it legalised either.


Fair enough, but why in regards to E specifically?

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Oh, I detect a distinct sway towards sense here, a great improvement on the old draconian Manxnet days. I think the politicians are stuck in a loop of thought where they find drugs to be at the root of all of societies ills, they need to stop thinking of themselves and take notice of people who know what they are talking about.

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Oh, I detect a distinct sway towards sense here, a great improvement on the old draconian Manxnet days. I think the politicians are stuck in a loop of thought where they find drugs to be at the root of all of societies ills, they need to stop thinking of themselves and take notice of people who know what they are talking about.


Do you not think it is bizarre that advisory councils repeatedly give out the same messages but they are never heeded? Is it a front to appease those who wish for liberalisation of drugs, but in reality means nothing at all?

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Having said that I agree with your last comment and wouldn't want to see it legalised either.


Fair enough, but why in regards to E specifically?


Because I've done hundred and hundreds of them over many years. I know how moreish they are, and how shit I'd feel on a wednesday. Come friday it was all okay again. ;)


I've grown up now and wouldn't hold down my job, have my health physically and mentally or keep my house or my wife. So "in my opinion" I wouldn't want to see it legalised, as personally and from my own experience it doesn't do you any good - apart from the euphoric buzz. I've weighed up the good and bad and the bad outweighs the good for me anyway.

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Mr Slinky thanks for listing many of the negative sides to ecstacy but do you really think that keeping the drug illegal is for the best? I'm not suggesting that it's advertised on every street corner, marketed agressively after Coronation Street, etc. but isn't it better that those who use the drug are not treated like criminals? You were lucky (probably) and were never arrested for possessing the drug. If you had been aressted do you think that would have been right? Would your life be the same as it is now? Most users of drugs are young and if they are aressted (very few are though) it can affect their whole lives and I don't think that's good for society.

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