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Rnb/soul Vocalists (male Of Female)


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Sup men/women,

Im a producer/song writer covering hip hop/RnB style music, been learning and practicing the art of production for the past 9 years, i MC myself but can't sing to save my life! so im looking for vocalists - female, male, beast or whatever (preferably not a beast tho as they struggle to hit falsetto!) for a very close future project to hopefully get ourselves out there a bit.

obviolsy i doubt there will be any MC's around to cover the hip hop aspect, but if their is by all means contact me too! but my main focus is to find some nice vocalists to cover the RnB scene, if you can't wite songs don't worry, i can cover that an then work together to fit the lyrics around you style.



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can't sing to save my life!

I'm always wary of music producers who can't sing. I mean, if we can't use the primary instrument nature endowed us with to save our lives, if only to convey our musical ideas to those more vocally talented than ourselves how can we hope to possibly master a range of external instruments of various timbres, particularly if the music we aspire to produce uses the tempered western scale as a basis for tonality?


Or maybe you have a serious throat condition and your doctor has advised you not to strain your vocal chords on pain on death?

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i wouldn't be wary, it'd be like not watching the successful "saw" films because james wan and leigh whannell didn't star in them, they only wrote an produced it.


Its a bit of a strange thing to say as singing an production are completely seperate things. They might be in the same field .. but thats a bit like saying "im wary of airline pilots that don't build their own boeing 747".


The Primary instrument isn't used in Production, for instanse, do i need a large diaphram or lung capacity to hear the frequency response of a Violin? Do i need the vocal range of Mariah Carey in order to add a delay effect to a piano? Do i need to be able to sing vibrato before i learn to adjust EQ an compression on a mixing desk? no, cause the main difference between the 2, is one uses vocal chords, the other uses ears.


I've tried singing, and i sound awfull, why? not because i can't hit notes, but because i wasn't born with a voice (im happy with) to sing. Put 2 people of the same age and gender side by side and listen to them as they speak, they will have 2 completely different voices cause they are 2 totally different people with different vocal chords and lungs etc, one may sound more pleasing to the ear when they sing whilst the other, even if on note, doesn't .. i unfortinatly am the latter. Yeah it might fit the spoken word of hip hop, but not the powerful singing voice of RnB, be like pavoritti doing a cover of ACDC, ouch! but the sound of my voice doesnt effect production techniques, hence the search for singers to put 2 an 2 together.

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I think you'll find singers use both vocal chords and ears, there are very few deaf singers. Anyone can twiddle a few knobs for delay/eq/compression purposes, and people who can sing tend, in my fairly extensive experience, to be able to do just that with greater success than those who cannot. I suspect you are probably selling yourself a little short and can sing better than you give yourself credit for. You may not like, or even seek to include the timbre of your voice within any of your given projects, but that isn't the same as not being able to sing to save your life. Anyone unable to sing whatsoever for no other reason than lack of ability would probably do better pursuing a different career.


You should join a choir, do you the world of good, lol,lol.. ; ))


(And who's Pavoritti?)

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good point, singers do use their ears an lungs, but producers dont, im a producer lol


I've spent my years training up production skills .. my college course was Audio engineering, not years of vocal coaching, and strange as it may seem, singing wasn't one of the modules. I've been training how to mix and master music, just like the many millions of producers out their that produce and mix music for recording artists, not for themselves. Even talented singers like Alecia Keys, she writes/plays and sings her own material, but she doesn't mix and master her own songs, she leaves that to the producer who is trained in mixing.


Anyone can twiddle a few knobs for delay/eq/compression purposes, and people who can sing tend, in my fairly extensive experience, to be able to do just that with greater success than those who cannot


just out of curiosity, like who?

if that was the case, it makes you wonder why the producer of an album, is paid a vast amount more than the artist is, if recording artists were that good at mixing songs due to their singing ability, wouldn't they do it themselves to collect more royalties? why the need to have a producer if the job is just that simple to a vocalist? .. couldn't we just scrap the producer an leave the whole process to the singer?


I guess it all points down to personal preference, if i'd chosen to be a vocalist, i'd probably be on here asking if their was any producers i could work with, maybe posting crued samples of badly recorded Craig David Covers that had been "digitaly mastered" using pro tools presets .. with the instrumental funded by Edonkey lol


But i see what your saying, maybe i did word it wrong when i said i couldn't sing to save my life .. if i had a noose around my neck with a couple guys aiming assault riffles at each eyeball an told me to sing .. i could probably manage to sing the lords prayer in E Minor with out a glimpse of hesitation (aslong as they didn't record it!) ;)


P.S - Pavoritti is a famous opera singer who's name when typed correctly spells Pavarotti :lol:

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