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Dad At 13

Mr. Sausages

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A skank, a slapper, and maybe not the sharpest tool in the box. However I think you have to be an adult (over 18) to strictly be a paedophile.


And what of the boy and the other boys she slept with, are they skanks and slappers too? I only say because do you really consider it useful to label a girl of 15 as that and boys her age who have sex are not levelled with the same moral approbation. Somehow I think anyone with a little wisdom and good planning for the future would not sacrifice so much to have a baby at her age and bring it up with a 12 year old. But yes, not the sharpest tool in the box, but that's her society's fault as well as her own.

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.....but that's her society's family's fault as well as rather than her own.






I agree, it is her family's fault. But should 'blame' or fingerpointing stop there? In respect of the fact that they both had unprotected sex, is it left to the family to instill personal responsibility in this respect? This problem is obviously not about one particular family but appears to be a common one.

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I think it has to be impossible to believe that this kid with his squeaky voice could possibly be a dad! He's probably even grown up a lot since the baby was concieved!!


Something needs serious attention here, Britain has developed an underclass of benefits grabbing single parents and hopeless cases. Benefits should only be paid to people who stick together and make an effort. I really believe that it would be better for the kids and the country if orphanages were expanded and foster homes found to ensure that kids get an upbringing away from this depressing subculture!

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OMG Max, orphanages? have you never been to one? Sorry sir but, no no no. I am totally against the benefit culture but sometimes people do need to be given a hand, I would suggest a time limit on benefit payments, 1 or 2 years max, after that, you MUST work or starve, simple - this might discourage there being generations of 'Trish trash' (I like that MDO). Heehee the government could maybe start a new mint for all the money they are going to have to print to cover the mess they have made, give the dole heads a job printing money & send their kids to school.



AND.....Single parents didnt get to be that way on their own.

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Something needs serious attention here, Britain has developed an underclass of benefits grabbing single parents and hopeless cases. Benefits should only be paid to people who stick together and make an effort. I really believe that it would be better for the kids and the country if orphanages were expanded and foster homes found to ensure that kids get an upbringing away from this depressing subculture!


Something needs attention, but I don't see how you make a connection with benefits and its supposed culture. All the benefit culture appears to be is a natural aversion to the crappest forms of work going.


But you can't pull kids away from their parents in order to escape society. Aside from the fact that nobody and nothing has the right to remove kids from parents unless they are neglected, I do not see how it work in practice.


This whole issue to me seems to be about safe sex.

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This whole issue to me seems to be about safe sex.

Or, perhaps, dealing with emotional development instead of just the physical.

Lessons dealing with emotional and physical development might be a better alternative to mere sex education.

Being something of a dinosaur, I might even support the notion that simply because a child wants to do something is not necessarily a reason to allow/encourage them to do it.

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Or, perhaps, dealing with emotional development instead of just the physical.

Lessons dealing with emotional and physical development might be a better alternative to mere sex education.

Being something of a dinosaur, I might even support the notion that simply because a child wants to do something is not necessarily a reason to allow/encourage them to do it.


What would the lessons maybe involve? I think what you say makes a lot of sense.


I think 12 is a little too young for kids to be having sex, but it appears that increasing numbers are going to have sex anyway. If it were safe sex it would not be anywhere near as big an issue as it is.

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There seems to be a fat chance of these young people having safe sex, the publicity, free condoms and the pill don't seem to work?


I agree Bees, orphanages may sound extreme, but the explosion of kids born to young unmarried mothers is not exactly heart warming!


Also it seems that just dumping the father after the seven year itch seems to be more common these days, resulting in more and more benefits being paid to once married mothers. Plus more and more business for the divorce lawyers who tend to kick the man or woman from pillar to post when he or she is still reeling from the loss of their family!! What kind of upbringing do these poor kids get anyway, being played off between feuding parents!?


What I'm saying is, society need to do something radical to nip this in the bud instead of applying a sticking plaster now and again!

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I don't know, I mean I very much doubt that children at the age of 12 and 13 are given much exposure to all the reasons and necessities for having safe sex so they can at least a make much better decision than they would otherwise. But I think what Lonan3 says sounds interesting.

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A skank, a slapper, and maybe not the sharpest tool in the box. However I think you have to be an adult (over 18) to strictly be a paedophile.


And what of the boy and the other boys she slept with, are they skanks and slappers too? I only say because do you really consider it useful to label a girl of 15 as that and boys her age who have sex are not levelled with the same moral approbation. Somehow I think anyone with a little wisdom and good planning for the future would not sacrifice so much to have a baby at her age and bring it up with a 12 year old.


Actually I think that they are all pond life - boys and girls alike - and I can't imagine what sort of mental case gets off attending to some 12 year olds tiny prick. It should count as child abuse.


But yes, not the sharpest tool in the box, but that's her society's fault as well as her own.


Rubbish being thick as sh*t is not societies fault. Its down to laziness, a lack of will to succeed, and pure bone idleness in most cases. I assume 'society' paid for her education like everyone else - the fact that she just sat their staring into space is not our fault. Everyone has an equal chance to succeed and in sensible countries education is seen as the fastest route out of poverty - not in the UK though where most of them are too f**king dumb to realise the chance to educate themselves that the state provides them with.

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