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Anti-terror Tactics Weaken The Law


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This seems like it has come too late considering the draconian laws that the Labour government as brought in, ostensibly to combat terrorism.


It is almost bizarre how the same moralising, patronising, British government of the past ten years has only recently changed its tack in the fight against terrorism. Whereas it was focusing upon propaganda against Muslims to eschew extremism it now wants to extol the wondrous virtues of British 'democracy' to win them over. It stands in constrast to the British government's long history of introducting legislation that would appear to go far beyond what is necessary to combat terrorism yet preserve civil liberties. Therefore, the same government that wants to brainwash about how wonderful democracy is has done so much to erode it.

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This seems like it has come too late considering the draconian laws that the Labour government as brought in, ostensibly to combat terrorism.


It is almost bizarre how the same moralising, patronising, British government of the past ten years has only recently changed its tack in the fight against terrorism. Whereas it was focusing upon propaganda against Muslims to eschew extremism it now wants to extol the wondrous virtues of British 'democracy' to win them over. It stands in constrast to the British government's long history of introducting legislation that would appear to go far beyond what is necessary to combat terrorism yet preserve civil liberties. Therefore, the same government that wants to brainwash about how wonderful democracy is has done so much to erode it.


LDV - Please fuck off; seriously, please fuck off

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What a friendly comment by Domino.


Any chance the UK and USA had of winning the moral war was lost when Bush decided that it was good to authorise kidnapping from foreign countries (including holding them temporarily in Poland and the UK), keep them locked up without access for years on a part of an island nation which the USA regularly claims abuses human rights (Cuba), torture them using techniques that the UK government admit are torture and then look confused when they realise that no court in the world will try these men (many of whome are guilty but we'll now never know for sure).

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What a friendly comment by Domino.


Any chance the UK and USA had of winning the moral war was lost when Bush decided that it was good to authorise kidnapping from foreign countries (including holding them temporarily in Poland and the UK), keep them locked up without access for years on a part of an island nation which the USA regularly claims abuses human rights (Cuba), torture them using techniques that the UK government admit are torture and then look confused when they realise that no court in the world will try these men (many of whome are guilty but we'll now never know for sure).


Domino isn't a very friendly person, the bigoted posts make that clear.


Exactly, I don't know how the UK and USA can get away with their complicity in extraordinary renditions. I read how the CIA are regularly in Egypt where the American government has been dumping a lot of kidnapped people. And one CIA officer said that it is very common to see the prisoners covered in cigarette burns and having no fingernails. But the only reason why they got to Egypt was because they were flown there by the U.S., which breaks the law.


But I think the laws applicable within the UK are just as worrying: control orders, pre-detention, use of terror laws for matters not relating to terrorism, the possible indefinite detention of foreign suspects. And where the UK finds that it cannot enact a law because it contravenes what the country has signed up to in the EU, it simply derogates.

So much of what the UK has done runs counter to democracy.

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