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Budget 2009/2010

Albert Tatlock

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Education. Marginal rise to £104M. We have become leaner and keener. Will not be in a position to cut services. Main resource is our staffing, no intention and no need to reduce.


Student awards holding at £12M, subject to approval next month.


When this hiccup has gone in 3 to 5 years, we need to demonstrate committment to education, and skilling up.


Pleased dept of educ maintaining capital spending, including behamague project this year.


Legal costs reserve: glad to see £1.5M to be transfererd to general registry for legal aid costs. Sectors of society that are vulnerable need to be supported in legal aid.


Man in street wants to see own back door being maintained. Glad to see town and village development budget being maintained.


Budget for a cool head - not exciting - commend budget.

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Despair with sycopansia in house.


Should be proud of stuent awards scheme. Wish other members would bring out other points. Still haven't sorted legal service commision and access to justice.


Ramsey needs dire support.


Corkish - living in real world is right. But what about Steam Packet? SP is being cushioned by administration not doing audit.


£100M wasted on Iris. Lack of accountability worries me.


Poor PR worrying. A couple of hours or even only minutes spent with influential people on away trips.


Industrial units and estates on island. Monpolies have been allowed to stifle economic development and growth. Reviews needed. Not reading user agreements.


Tourist dept and corporation on commonwealth games needs to be sorted. Should be seen as a PR coop and money found from other events, and not look like a banana republic - which we are not.


What we have paid out on professional fees. Need to look at what we get back for professional advice. More out than back in at the expense of the poor and sick.


MEA: Good job by treasury on trying to sort it. No room for secracy and confidentiality.


...finally onto budget (big collective groan):


Council rents to go up by 5%. Need to be wary and not get economic segration like in the UK.


Need to end image of safe haven. Has to be a priority.


Tragedy with film industry - though created work and economic activity - hasn't done the core thing and created a film industry. Opportunity to get it right.


Dental service - some of us proven right that we didn't take right actions. Dental should be within NHS. DHSS shouldn't have followed that path. (shout of didn't)


Budget is excellent for outside chamber. Fear is no real recognition in corridors of power that game is up. We need to change system of govt. Instead of patting each other on back, and there is no recession - we have had recession in retail. If we start pushing spin, we need to address issues. Not turn Tymwald into film set.


My concern with budget is required change in audit and accountability will it be seen. Money sqaundered. Nepotistic govt, need public accounts committee.


HENDERSON: point of order...sick and tired of Karrans points...


SPEAKER: Shut up Bill


KARRAN: Need to address fundamental changes in services. Beurocrats v people providing service.


Drug and alc unit should have been opened 3 years ago.


.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...tory press


I am here to put audit in the system. Are we allowing less pain now for far more pain next year. UK taxpayer likely to be hammered next year. Maybe stri a growth in new residents to the island. Maybe a good gamle - but I feel not.


On my closing remarks (big cheer)...not seeing full consequences of this debate and not looking at real world situation.

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Have I missed it or is Mortgage Allownace not covered ?


No change to mortgage relief. The last change was announced in the 2007 budget, which restricted tax relief to the first £15k of interest starting from 6 April 2008.


See here http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/income...et2007final.pdf


Mortgage interest isn't mentioned at all in the 2009 version, the implication being that there were no changes.


See here http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/income...et2009final.pdf


Loads od budget guff available here http://www.gov.im/treasury/budget/


That should keep you out of mischief for a while! :D

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5 minute general summary of what was said in budget....???


Huge burden on small number of people on island re-challenges on regulation etc.


World is a smaller place. Lots of work to be done in promoting island and business.


Good budget in difficult circumstances.


Commonwealth youth games - this is biggest single event in our lifetime. Hope for more types of events. 70 nations joing us in 2011.


DTL chief executive will allow focus and help us do more.

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Kipling quote - 'keep your head'...yada yada


Overseas aid target of 0.7% GDP by 2015 - support that. Not immune from global downturn. Civil wars, global warming, disease etc. etc. etc. etc. 498 attacks on UN officers, 26 murdered.


Need to keep up our efforts to help.


Support budget. IOM recognised a s world financial centre and doing our bit.

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Wonder why we are being attacked - think others are jealous of what we have. Time has arrived to go on attack. Softly softly approach all well and good but we need to be tougher.


Not a boring budget - though a standstill one.


Marketing fund tranfser good. Would have been happier if treasury minister attended treasury review last week (shout - I did). Bell would have been better equipped to handle it, and a prime opportnity was missed. More fierce approach should have been made, dissapointed Bell didn't lead - and should lead in the future - as CM is not aufait in this area.


Concerned with VAT fall, unexpected shock. Are we being best served by UK by relying on them for certain things - we get lack of regard and lacl of respect and understanding.


Historically IOM has always done better under tory govt. (She'd vote Liberal though).


Member fees and expenses - no cut backs in services, but says avoided cuts in services for next year. Suggests anticiaption that cuts will be made next year, and a hope that hope and a prayer VAT will be back to normal. If he's got to look at cut backs look to cutting member fees and expenses (shout: and salaries). £2M is a lot of miney on that - I'd be happy to take cut back. Adjust our belts accordingly. Don't cut services.

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Am I only person worry about island budgett?


To lett govnment departments have same total money this year +1%, by use of savings on "loan charges", can make big problem for future!!!


This like my restraunt employ extra girl from saving on morgage intrest.

But if interest GO UP - will be big problem to sack new girl.

No good to pay staff and provuisions from interest saved.


This silly paper game, not real attemt control of budgett !!!!!!! :unsure:

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Have I missed it or is Mortgage Allownace not covered ?


No change to mortgage relief. The last change was announced in the 2007 budget, which restricted tax relief to the first £15k of interest starting from 6 April 2008.


See here http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/income...et2007final.pdf


Mortgage interest isn't mentioned at all in the 2009 version, the implication being that there were no changes.


See here http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/income...et2009final.pdf


Loads od budget guff available here http://www.gov.im/treasury/budget/


That should keep you out of mischief for a while! :D



How much revenue is IOM government losing by allowing MIRAS up to £15,000 per person?


MIRAS was abolished years ago in the UK.

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