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Budget 2009/2010

Albert Tatlock

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How much revenue is IOM government losing by allowing MIRAS up to £15,000 per person?


MIRAS was abolished years ago in the UK.


In the 2003/04 tax year £6.7 million - without the 15k restriction.


Source here http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/income...ndeductions.pdf


Can't find anything about how much with the £15k limit - and can't be bothered looking! :P

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Mr Bell is predicting growth of 2.5% in 2009/10. He doesn't explain why, with most of the world in recession, and the IOM finance sector retrenching, he is expecting growth. This is what worries me about the budget.



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Government have 8363 employee.


If economy worse for 60 years, why can cut only 2 person from govenment job ???


My father must cut 2 person from out 12 employee.


Is this big, big, big govenment JOKE ???


Is this APRIL FIRST budgett ???

can i have fried rice and prawn crackers with that please......

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Are OECD blacklists maybe a good thing - need a statement?


KSF - should be playing up our strengths.


Pension reserves - no new money, which means deficit will grow. Cause for concern, gap will grow at least in short term. Big ussies for members, £105M nothing compared to £1.3Bn for pensions.


Not reopening Southlands disspaointing, but realise cupboard is bare.


Need clarification on methodology of capital budget. Those at top still getting tax breaks by not putting up tax, politically sends out a poor message to lower paid. Tax child benefit etc. not sure why job seekers targeted specifically.


Good that some government depts have to focus on spending.


A standstill budget.


How wage settlements are to be handled needs looking at. Manage expectations of govt workforce. Need to share pain as well as gain. Support Cretneys comments on jobs etc. - welcomed. Need to look at deficiency in public housing.


Saving schemes need to be looked at, and we don't want to slivishly copy UK 2007 pensions act.


Hope govt will support how budget will be handled in future.


Commend budget.


What's that about Southlands!?

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Kipling quote - 'keep your head'...yada yada


Christ is he still alive?


Waft or Kipling?




Waft. I'm always suspicous of anyone who takes their name from the way a fart transmits itself through air and space.


We all have our areas of expertise, I suppose.



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Pretty poor response from most MHKs to the budget I thought. Never heard so much rubbish. Karran was particularly all over the place, though many others too. Don't know what we pay most of these people for. That's the first time I think I've even heard Geoff Corkish since he got elected - and he didn't say much - all rhetoric IMO.


If things do get tough, I do hope people start to wake up to those leading us. We'll need far far better calibre MHKs at this rate in a couple of years. An interesting few hours listening to it all though, and summarising what little was in it all.

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Pretty poor response from most MHKs to the budget I thought. Never heard so much rubbish. Karran was particularly all over the place, though many others too. Don't know what we pay most of these people for. That's the first time I think I've even heard Geoff Corkish since he got elected - and he didn't say much - all rhetoric IMO.


If things do get tough, I do hope people start to wake up to those leading us. We'll need far far better calibre MHKs at this rate in a couple of years. An interesting few hours listening to it all though, and summarising what little was in it all.


The big challenge is to persuade good people to stand. I suspect they are afraid they will be judged by the company they keep.



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Excellent stuff Albert. Thanks for all that.


I heard most of it (I was on a roof with no access to a PC!) and well done for your mostly very objective reporting. I would have been calling half them all the dozy mindless tw:ts under the sun for some of the complete and utter bollox they were coming out with. All those fucken quotes from films and poems, and all the back-slapping. I had my fingers down my throat most of the time.


But yeah, much apreciated.

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Am I only person worry about island budgett?


To lett govnment departments have same total money this year +1%, by use of savings on "loan charges", can make big problem for future!!!


This like my restraunt employ extra girl from saving on morgage intrest.

But if interest GO UP - will be big problem to sack new girl.

No good to pay staff and provuisions from interest saved.


This silly paper game, not real attemt control of budgett !!!!!!! :unsure:


I don't like chinese food, so don't care.

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Pretty poor response from most MHKs to the budget I thought. Never heard so much rubbish. Karran was particularly all over the place, though many others too. Don't know what we pay most of these people for. That's the first time I think I've even heard Geoff Corkish since he got elected - and he didn't say much - all rhetoric IMO.


If things do get tough, I do hope people start to wake up to those leading us. We'll need far far better calibre MHKs at this rate in a couple of years. An interesting few hours listening to it all though, and summarising what little was in it all.


The big challenge is to persuade good people to stand. I suspect they are afraid they will be judged by the company they keep.




Are you referring to 'the company' that has provided many comeovers with lucrative jobs?

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