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Budget 2009/2010

Albert Tatlock

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Easy way to reduce pension deficet: Make civil servants contributre more than 1.5%.


Bloody Hell! What an idea! If only they read these forums they could have saved themselves £600k on fees. Pensions are complicated but it isn't exactly rocket science.


"Civil Servants" are only a smallish proportion of the total number of government employees though. The problem is a little bigger than just them. The UK Government is looking closely at its own public service pension schemes and many private firms are changing their own schemes from the "old style" final salary schemes like our govt have.


This isn't just an Isle of Man problem.

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Not all civil servants are Twats slim dear, I am married to a rather lovely one and all of the people in his department (that I have met) are also very nice. What is the point of a pension when the money is worthless? As far as MrBees goes, he thinks if things get really bad for the IoM the majority of his dept would be willing to take a pay cut. Would you?

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Not all civil servants are Twats slim dear, I am married to a rather lovely one and all of the people in his department (that I have met) are also very nice. What is the point of a pension when the money is worthless? As far as MrBees goes, he thinks if things get really bad for the IoM the majority of his dept would be willing to take a pay cut. Would you?


Yes, I'd be willing to take a pay cut. I'm generalising of course, not all civil servants are twats, but you watch, if a change to the pension terms are tabled, there'll be an uproar and unions and all that shit.

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Pretty poor response from most MHKs to the budget I thought. Never heard so much rubbish. Karran was particularly all over the place, though many others too. Don't know what we pay most of these people for. That's the first time I think I've even heard Geoff Corkish since he got elected - and he didn't say much - all rhetoric IMO.


If things do get tough, I do hope people start to wake up to those leading us. We'll need far far better calibre MHKs at this rate in a couple of years. An interesting few hours listening to it all though, and summarising what little was in it all.


The big challenge is to persuade good people to stand. I suspect they are afraid they will be judged by the company they keep.





unless there are saints queueing up for the job it's a waste of time. there are only ever a few 'new faces' and they soon learn all about the requirements of speech and voting to get more than just dry bread out of the job. take a 'postman' as an example. all against the runway extension to start with based on accurate facts and not lard arses spouting of bollocks, where's my villa??. but when the vote comes in?? all for it with bells on, brown nose from brown arse so to speak. ant not that long after, appointed to something that pays extra. maberky? lib van man??, fuck lib van get on band wagon but dont get trampled in the rush. until you are actually in there and realise how it really works, you have no idea. those that speak their mind like karren just get poo pooed out of everything, and in ten years time the treasury minister will be telling us how we could have done things better. blah blah blah, same old nest liners out for themselves. and when will we get a new picture of bell?? i saw him a few weeks back and he ,looks a few stone heavier than the pics in the censored rags.

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We need party politics and we need it now


We ned the aklternatives laying out, and soon


That includes an examination of all aspects


giving up on independence and becoming part of UK or a constiturent part


staying as we are


gaining full independence


and if so what currency do we use, do9 we want our own and our own central bank or do we retain a sterling euro or diollar link


membership or not of EU


membership of EEA with total access to EU markets etc but with no pay in or out but bound by all,the regs with no say


So where amongst us, the rest of the public and the present legislative crowd are the leaders who need to start the process


Bells cry for more accountability and less waste and more efficiency must apply to politics as well as civil servants, departmenst and to business

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Pretty poor response from most MHKs to the budget I thought. Never heard so much rubbish. Karran was particularly all over the place, though many others too. Don't know what we pay most of these people for. That's the first time I think I've even heard Geoff Corkish since he got elected - and he didn't say much - all rhetoric IMO.


If things do get tough, I do hope people start to wake up to those leading us. We'll need far far better calibre MHKs at this rate in a couple of years. An interesting few hours listening to it all though, and summarising what little was in it all.


The big challenge is to persuade good people to stand. I suspect they are afraid they will be judged by the company they keep.




Are you referring to 'the company' that has provided many comeovers with lucrative jobs?


No. The "company you keep" is the people you associate with.



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We need party politics and we need it now


We ned the aklternatives laying out, and soon


That includes an examination of all aspects


giving up on independence and becoming part of UK or a constiturent part


staying as we are


gaining full independence


and if so what currency do we use, do9 we want our own and our own central bank or do we retain a sterling euro or diollar link


membership or not of EU


membership of EEA with total access to EU markets etc but with no pay in or out but bound by all,the regs with no say


So where amongst us, the rest of the public and the present legislative crowd are the leaders who need to start the process


Bells cry for more accountability and less waste and more efficiency must apply to politics as well as civil servants, departmenst and to business


Some good comments John.


Oh, and most definitely we need an overhaul of the Manx Legal System and an eradication of some rather insidious practices that abound. But I think you either are, or have chosen to be, unaware of those.

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First of all many thanks Albert for the blow by blow account! I am amazed at your typing skills and your ability to go for so long between the need to leave the room!


Government have 8363 employee. If economy worse for 60 years, why can cut only 2 person from govenment job ??? My father must cut 2 person from out 12 employee.

Tiger Lily your point is a good one if we are in an emergency situation. In the short term it may be better not to create more unemployment if this is avoidable, but there is no doubt that the employment pain is being taken by the private sector. When I lived in Japan 'make work' jobs were a feature of the society - what they did was to maintain self-respect and provide services that in Western society have been eliminated as 'cost cutting measures'. If we can afford it maybe better to have people in jobs rather than unemployed?

Easy way to reduce pension deficet: Make civil servants contributre more than 1.5%.

Bloody Hell! What an idea! If only they read these forums they could have saved themselves £600k on fees. Pensions are complicated but it isn't exactly rocket science.


"Civil Servants" are only a smallish proportion of the total number of government employees though. The problem is a little bigger than just them. The UK Government is looking closely at its own public service pension schemes and many private firms are changing their own schemes from the "old style" final salary schemes like our govt have.


This isn't just an Isle of Man problem.

What is the contribution rate for PS pensions? If it is only 1.5% that is crazy. Normally a defined benefit scheme costs in total (employer/employee) about 20% of salary (UK Parliamentary scheme is about 30%). The Irish Government is introducing higher contribution rates for the Public Service AND for the TDs and Senators (read MHKs, MPs, Lords) - the latter at the highest rate:

The pension-related payment will form the main part of the cost-cutting package. Mr Cowen said that it would save €1.4 billion on the public pay service bill. The levy will be graduated with those public employees on higher earnings paying a higher percentage of their income. He also said that the payment would apply to local authority employees.


Later in the Dáil he gave more details of the package. Those earning €40,000 per annum would pay €2,750 or 6.9 per cent; those on €50,000 would pay 3,750 or 7.5 per cent; and those on 100,000 would pay 8,750 or 8.8 per cent. At the highest scale of pay in the public service, those earning €300,000 will pay €28,780 or 9.6 per cent. The contributions will be calculated on gross income and not on taxable income.

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:rolleyes: Thank you "Manshimajin" for very kind words.


I believe what you say. But cost of govenment people need examination - not for only for 1 year but for many year too come.


I still think govenment playing big big clever paper game with this money call "loan charges".


This way I see.


My man use my share of house rent to go in famly Pension Pot. But if he sudden say - NO NO DO NOT GIVE ME - you keep and use Pension Pot money to keep family spend up like normal every week.


Well this look ok at Douglas Tesco - but things are NOT the same!


We spend money like normal now - BUT - have problem later with less money in Pension Pot later when stop working.


We trick us self by this silly silly game. We pretend nothing nothing have change, but it has.


Instead problem now, this become big family problem later !!



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You cant get a better pension deal than the manx Civil Servants, the normal perk is to be promoted about a year before retirement, as stated in the Keys this week, also asked in the Keys, why do the DHSS create so many new high level posts within its departments

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Pension MUST be link to pay in job over whole life




if man work 28 year at £20,000 - he get 28 year worth of pension, base on £20,000 pay




if man work 14 year at £10,000 + 14 year at £20,000 - he get 28 year worth of pension, base on £15,000 pay



This help stop "promote me please trick" in years before worker go on pension


In normal world, Pension Pot reflect situation to what paid in over whole life - not to situation and what paid in JUST BEFORE person retires !!!


This big big con in govenment pension magic trick on poor taxpayer

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I wouldn't disagree that the legal sytem needs work and woulld be the first to push for effective change


Please provide some concrete examples you feel need dealing with and i will raise them


I may be a senior member of my profession but I have never been uncritical of the law,the courts or my profession


It was my campaigning which led to Court and Police Duty advocate schemes


I have pushed for law and procedural reform all my practising life




We need party politics and we need it now


We ned the aklternatives laying out, and soon


That includes an examination of all aspects


giving up on independence and becoming part of UK or a constiturent part


staying as we are


gaining full independence


and if so what currency do we use, do9 we want our own and our own central bank or do we retain a sterling euro or diollar link


membership or not of EU


membership of EEA with total access to EU markets etc but with no pay in or out but bound by all,the regs with no say


So where amongst us, the rest of the public and the present legislative crowd are the leaders who need to start the process


Bells cry for more accountability and less waste and more efficiency must apply to politics as well as civil servants, departmenst and to business


Some good comments John.


Oh, and most definitely we need an overhaul of the Manx Legal System and an eradication of some rather insidious practices that abound. But I think you either are, or have chosen to be, unaware of those.

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