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[BBC News] Milk contaminated with stones


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The pitiful standards of reportage at IOM newspapers means that no explanation is ever given; we're just left to guess why a man decided to put a handful of small stones in a bottle of milk one morning.


Your pitiful standard of legal knowledge means you'll just have to guess how long you can spend in prison for Contempt of Court should you comment on active proceedings.

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we're just left to guess why a man decided to put a handful of small stones in a bottle of milk one morning.

Yeah! That can be good too though! I reckon he put them in just after ejaculating into the bottle, you know cover his tracks, throw persons unknown off the scent. But I'm just guessing of course. [0898]What did he do next? Anything could've happened thereafter, phwoarr eh? Let your imagination run wild. ;; ))...; ;,, etc, lol,lol..; )[/0898].


Your turn now.

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The pitiful standards of reportage at IOM newspapers means that no explanation is ever given; we're just left to guess why a man decided to put a handful of small stones in a bottle of milk one morning.


Your pitiful standard of legal knowledge means you'll just have to guess how long you can spend in prison for Contempt of Court should you comment on active proceedings.


Well, what's the betting we never hear anything about this again from IOM newspapers? Too lazy and incompetent to follow it up, i would bet.


Seriously, IOM newspapers is truly abyssmal. What we usually get from them is a verbatim account of the police/coroner's report, or government press release, with no insight or research whatsoever. It's very poor considering they're supposed to be our national newspaper.

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Seriously, IOM newspapers is truly abyssmal. What we usually get from them is a verbatim account of the police/coroner's report, or government press release, with no insight or research whatsoever. It's very poor considering they're supposed to be our national newspaper.


Seriously, your understanding of journalism is truly abysmal (one S there). Verbatim account of a police or coroner's report? You mean sitting through a court case, then, as the coroner doesn't issue reports. You probably meant to say: "Making verbatim notes with 100 words per minute shorthand (required for NCTJ qualifications) just in case your records are called into doubt and you have to produce your notes as evidence in a Contempt of Court case (punishable by imprisonment) or defamation proceedings (with the possibility of effectively unlimited punitive damages). And then arriving back at the office and putting it into words simple enough for an audience to understand clearly - and quickly enough to meet the page deadlines which arrive pretty much all the time. And doing all of the above a number of times each day, every weekday."


And as for "It's very poor considering they're supposed to be our national newspaper", the first newspaper I worked on assigned me - alone - to a patch which was four times the size of the Isle of Man geographically and three times its population. One reporter. You should feel lucky Johnston Press considers the Island big enough to warrant its own newspaper, frankly. There isn't a newspaper group anywhere in the UK which would even entertain the idea of setting up three weeklies for 80,000 people.


But I'm sure, with all that said, you still feel justified in having a pop at a profession you know nothing about.

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I hope they've finally caught the total sicko who has been contaminating the cheeses down there. Honestly, I've found all manner of filth in the cheddars - peppercorns, garlic, chives, onions, pickle. YES I SAID PICKLE! The list goes on. They should bring back the birch for this one - set an example.

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Wow, aren't you clever...


Unfortunately what is lacking in most articles is any meaningful insight or critical analysis whatsoever. They're just a re-hash (if we're lucky) of the official version of the story, especially when it comes to government releases.

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Unfortunately what is lacking in most articles is any meaningful insight or critical analysis whatsoever. They're just a re-hash (if we're lucky) of the official version of the story, especially when it comes to government releases.


You'll note IoM Newspapers employs reporters, not analysts or critics. It does, however, include a letters page where you can provide your unique insight and critique of government releases, coroner's reports, police reports and fairy sightings. Might I suggest you avail yourself of the opportunity of putting pen to paper? Perhaps you could start with the other side of the story about Sam Barks starring at the Gaiety? Do some digging and come up with the hidden truth behind the official version.


I may not be as intelligent as you are, but I am a qualified, experienced journalist who knows his trade - not some anonymous tosser spewing uninformed drivel on a subject he's obviously utterly ignorant about.

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I hope they've finally caught the total sicko who has been contaminating the cheeses down there. Honestly, I've found all manner of filth in the cheddars - peppercorns, garlic, chives, onions, pickle. YES I SAID PICKLE! The list goes on. They should bring back the birch for this one - set an example.


You leave the garlic and chive one alone - it is king!

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we're just left to guess why a man decided to put a handful of small stones in a bottle of milk one morning.

Yeah! That can be good too though! I reckon he put them in just after ejaculating into the bottle, you know cover his tracks, throw persons unknown off the scent. But I'm just guessing of course. [0898]What did he do next? Anything could've happened thereafter, phwoarr eh? Let your imagination run wild. ;; ))...; ;,, etc, lol,lol..; )[/0898].


Your turn now.


lol, lol ;)

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And I hopes to fuck you have the key to the handcuffs!!


Actually Gladys, after reading my post again it is a little rude to say the least, so apologies for that.

I would of course buy you dinner before attempting any horizontal jogging.


Just make sure you pay the bill first.


(Heh, no offence taken, just a bit of ribald banter!)

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And I hopes to fuck you have the key to the handcuffs!!


Actually Gladys, after reading my post again it is a little rude to say the least, so apologies for that.

I would of course buy you dinner before attempting any horizontal jogging.


Just make sure you pay the bill first.


(Heh, no offence taken, just a bit of ribald banter!)


Whose bill, yours or the food?


I'll get my coat.

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