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The Brit Award's


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It just confirmed my view that The Ting Tings are the most overhyped rubbish of recent times.


I'm with you there. I thought U2 were rubbish too, and you can keep Coldplay too.


The presenters weren't bad this year, compared to other years. The Kings of Leon utterly stole the show. The pet shop boys were embarrassingly shit miming yawny tosslords. Nice to see Elbow pick up a prize, although I wanted to bury my face when they asked the Hoff out for a drink.


Iron Maiden beating coldplay to live act was the best part of the night. Chris Martin looked like he wanted to puke.

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Chris Martin looked like he wanted to puke.


Do you think he really cares? Does "The Brits" carry any gravitas?


Two revelations on the night for me...


Firstly, who put all that fake tan on Tom Jones.

Secondly, Natalie Imbruglia....I still would!!



(oh and yeah I agree about the Ting Tings...terrible Blondie pastiche that got old quickly!)

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