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Al Qatada And Others


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Its funny how they can reconcile hating the West whilst sticking their hands out for any state funded benefit they can possibly grab.


Was Qatada on benefit?

It appears so




OldManxFella makes a good point though.


Not really sure what they should do with him, but banging him up without good evidence, and then continuing to detain without a conviction is wrong.

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Its funny how they can reconcile hating the West whilst sticking their hands out for any state funded benefit they can possibly grab.


Was Qatada on benefit?

It appears so




OldManxFella makes a good point though.


My point was not about money but ideology. They teach hating the west they can't stand our decadent lives and generally hate anything that Britain stands for yet for all that ideology if there's a few quid going fiddling benefits or claiming disability or housing allowances they are in there like a shot. Its totally at odds with what they preach making them a bunch of hypocritical murderers in my book.


One wonders if they would have such a cushy life in Pakistan with no benny's living in a tin shack. That would give them something to really get angry about.

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No one should be locked up in this country without charge and a trial - full stop. So I would have to be on the side of the compensators.


If they were going to renege on the refugee status they granted him, they should have just kicked him out if he was seen as a risk earlier. The real question should be: 'who originally assessed his application - has that assessor still got a job - and if he has - why has he?'.


NuShite dithering is what this is all aboot.

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Qatada, 48, a father of five who came to Britain in 1993 on a forged passport, is being held in Belmarsh. He was first held in 2002 when an immigration court described him as a "truly dangerous individual". The Special Immigration Appeals Commission said he had given religious authority to numerous high-profile terrorists across the world, including those behind the September 11 attacks. He was later bailed but placed under a control order.

Qatada has issued a series of influential fatwas, or religious rulings, in support of the killing of non-believers, and a number of his videos were found in the Hamburg flat of Mohammed Atta, one of the ringleaders of the September 11 hijackers.


Forged passport = Deportation.

Fratenising with terrorists = Deportation.

Issueing fatwas or religious rulings in support of killing non believers = Deportation. If someone incites racial hatred they get locked up, why waste Government money, get rid.


Simple answer= Deport him, send him back to where he came from, along with the rest of his sheep, sorry followers.

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NuShite dithering is what this is all aboot.


Dithering about what? If New Labour had its way it would continue to detain or at least put control orders in place. But the judiciary will not allow it, for good reason. The government is in a sticky situation with this one.


Forged passport = Deportation.

Fratenising with terrorists = Deportation.

Issueing fatwas or religious rulings in support of killing non believers = Deportation. If someone incites racial hatred they get locked up, why waste Government money, get rid.


Simple answer= Deport him, send him back to where he came from, along with the rest of his sheep, sorry followers.


But the problem is that he could be tortured, and although the UK government has been involved in torturing people a deporation of this kind would be very public and it would certainly show the UK is complicit in torture.

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But the problem is that he could be tortured


Good. I always thought that they should have just left Abu Hamza in a locked room with itching powder down his pants and watched him tear out his own arsehole with his hooks. A fitting end to a nasty life!


Hahaha euw, that is just not a nice image.


The simply ethical and moral issue of whether he should be tortured or not isn't the problem. It is the fact the government cannot be seen to be involved in torture. And the government can't really be involved with arbitrary punishment in another state, i.e. if he goes back to Jordan and makes a confession whilst being tortured then justice has not been served from the basis of the values of a liberal-democratic state.

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what would happen in his home country 4 gobing off like capital punishment!!!


He'd probably have his teeth snapped at the gum with a coshe and then the roots of them ground out with a rusty nail.

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Qatada has issued a series of influential fatwas, or religious rulings, in support of the killing of non-believers

I think that he should join the BNP. He sounds to have the same sort of blind hatred and racist attitude to his fellow human beings that would go down well with them (maybe he is a tad more extreme).


Frankly I don't see any reason whatsoever to provide a safe haven to someone who preaches obscene hatred of others. If he is saying that he is scared that his extremist views will get him into trouble if he is deported to Jordan he should have thought of that when he started out. If people want tolerance from others they should practice it themselves.

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