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A New Post Saying If Youwhere An Mhk


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I would be found every day hard at work on behalf of my constituents, ensuring that their democratic rights were safeguarded and every penny of their taxes was spent on worthwhile schemes for the betterment of the general population.



Juan is that you....? :P

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I would be found every day hard at work on behalf of my constituents, ensuring that their democratic rights were safeguarded and every penny of their taxes was spent on worthwhile schemes for the betterment of the general population.



Juan is that you....? :P


You must be joking, Juan is too interested in self promotion (treasury minister) to consider anyone's democratic rights.

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If I were an MHK I would attempt to bring in prohibition, its time our government realised that the cost of 24 hour policing, hospital services and future problems including the new hospital being full of sclerosis of the liver patients, costs far more than the revenue created by alcohol duties and taxes.



that's a 7 out of 10

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I would toughen up the immigration rules and only grant residence to really fit women and really ugly men


Thus giving us sad old local blokes more of a sporting chance



that's Infinity out of Infinity . &1 billion gold stars!! lol..,;....,.,..,..,..,'ps fit women and really ugly men thats all they are lmao :D

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If I were an MHK I would.....


1. Not become 'anonymous' in my constituency and champion the local causes that probably got me voted in and have since been 'forgotten' about.

2. Legalise Heroin for registered users. This would take out many problems and a condition of the legal supply would be for users to receive it for free if they agreed to take a rehab programme.

3. 5 x present value of car tax for anything over 1000cc and make bus travel £1 for every journey and available uptill 2am.

4. Rid the Government of the MLC system and reduce the size of the House of Keys by 8 seats.

5. Complete revamp of local authorities, the goal would be to have only 5 bin wagons on the Island etc.

6. Tie in all established sports clubs with the schools. All pupils would have to be a member of a club of any sport.

7. Wind Farm....works everywhere else, why not here?

8. No Civil servant to be paid more than £100,000.

9. Competition for the Steam Packet.

10. Demolish Strand Street and start again. (the town centre is the window box of the Island and should be attractive)

11. Give me a chauffer driven limo with 'champagne bar' and waitress service.

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Whilst not a secret I would not include previous incarcerations as career highlights on the official Tynwald Website.


Do you think Mr Gawne actually included this in his CV or perhaps a temp got bored ?




Which bit are you referring to? If it was his Mec Vannin membership, he was very open about it (unlike Alan Bell - he doesn't seem to mention it much!!)

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