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Liberty - 75 Years Old

Albert Tatlock

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Liberty (National Council for Civil Liberties) founded in 1934, is 75 years old today.


Covering camapaigns against ID Cards, torture, terrorism (and side-stepping democratic values), human rights, free speech, privacy, right to protest, and equality etc.


...and never has it been needed so much.

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It's so incisive as well. Look how their latest went straight to the heart of the matter to wit:


"Court of Human Rights rules indefinite detention without charge wrong"


Real, earth-shattering stuff not. It's like the pathetic bleating from Mec Valium.

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It's so incisive as well. Look how their latest went straight to the heart of the matter to wit:


"Court of Human Rights rules indefinite detention without charge wrong"


Real, earth-shattering stuff not. It's like the pathetic bleating from Mec Valium.


I tend to think that it is better having some organisation constantly pleating about what is wrong with the government rathern than silence. Not quite sure where I understand you are coming from on this.

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It's so incisive as well. Look how their latest went straight to the heart of the matter to wit:


"Court of Human Rights rules indefinite detention without charge wrong"


Real, earth-shattering stuff not. It's like the pathetic bleating from Mec Valium.


I think the role they take is very useful in many respects. If it wasn't for them and a few other individuals and organisations the public would be quite happy and content to believe the bullshit that the government spouts about such issues as terrorism. The example you gave is a very good one. It will say on that website why indefinite detention is wrong and they produce papers and make announcements.

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Real, earth-shattering stuff not. It's like the pathetic bleating from Mec Valium.

Oooh, more incisive blarney from the guy that puts the PK in 'PlonKer'

Why that's so clever and witty you must have been taking lessons from Mr Slim.


So come on Albert, money and mouth time, what have they actually achieved? I don't mean any smokescreen bs where they "Ran a campaign to prevent Mugabe clinging on to power" and "Told the Khmer Rouge that they were very naughty boys" and so forth but what real effect have they ever had on anything???


I thought Shami Chakribati was very good on HIGNFY. She didn't do badly in the quiz either!

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Real, earth-shattering stuff not. It's like the pathetic bleating from Mec Valium.

Oooh, more incisive blarney from the guy that puts the PK in 'PlonKer'

Why that's so clever and witty you must have been taking lessons from Mr Slim.


So come on Albert, money and mouth time, what have they actually achieved? I don't mean any smokescreen bs where they "Ran a campaign to prevent Mugabe clinging on to power" and "Told the Khmer Rouge that they were very naughty boys" and so forth but what real effect have they ever had on anything???


I thought Shami Chakribati was very good on HIGNFY. She didn't do badly in the quiz either!


My understanding is that Liberty focus on the workings of the British government and its impact on the people of Britain. They don't centre their focus on foreign policy matters.

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So come on Albert, money and mouth time, what have they actually achieved? I don't mean any smokescreen bs where they "Ran a campaign to prevent Mugabe clinging on to power" and "Told the Khmer Rouge that they were very naughty boys" and so forth but what real effect have they ever had on anything???

As LDV has pointed out Liberty is UK focused so won't be telling Mugabe to do anything - but I presume your beef is with Human Rights do-gooders and how if it wasn't for a man with a gun they'd be useless.


I'm not going to totally disagree - but without organizations like Liberty, Amnesty etc the man with a gun can easily revert into a thug - countries do care about their human rights image and don't like it when there bad deeds are shown to the world. Liberty, Amnesty etc do alot of work uncovering those dirty deeds and I for one think that's a good thing.


What have they directly achieved - well if you are someone like ...


Baha Mousa

A Lebanese woman who fled her abusive husband


Mao Hengfeng

Philip Rizk

Dia' el Din Gad


Chen Guangcheng

Yao Lifa



etc etc - and I could go on


... then there is quite a lot of evidence that their treatment does improve once it is realized that the outside world is taking an interest in their fate.


PK when you signed up you didn't just sign up to be a thug with a gun, and there are more things to be protected in this world than "Queen and country" or whatever you swore to protect.


I believe that improving and preserving human rights and the human condition is in an abstract way the entire purpose of life, and think Liberty, Amnesty International, Human Rights in China etc etc have a role in stopping the thugs getting away with it. Are you really going to disagree?


You can sneer, but writing a letter is an important thing and has made life materially better for people desperately in need of help.

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... then there is quite a lot of evidence that their treatment does improve once it is realized that the outside world is taking an interest in their fate.


PK when you signed up you didn't just sign up to be a thug with a gun, and there are more things to be protected in this world than "Queen and country" or whatever you swore to protect.

Well, a response like that is an improvement on the pathetic playground name-calling. I'll buy that they make an effort, but in all the years of their existence it's not much more than that, and I'm NOT sneering. It's just that I don't really believe that the pen is mightier than the sword, as Chamberlain and the rest of the world found out to their cost. I should also point out that Albert Tatlock and I didn't sign up to be a thug with a gun. Mind you, we couldn't have skinheads, because they are thugs, we all got a "nought back and sides" as a consequence. Sometimes the "mentality" of the military is just beyond all.

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