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Cbbc Host Cerrie Burnell


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So some parents have complained because she's only got part of one arm and is scaring their 'chosen ones'


Following on from an MHKs hysteria over a small minority, you'd think bigotry couldn't get any worse.


Obviously not.


Out of interest what do these people do when they're out with their children and a disabled person dares to be in sight?


Do they blindfold their charges. Or run the other way.




I'm ashamed to be the same species as these fuckers.

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It does make me wonder, though, why she was chosen over the scores of other people without any parts missing who must have applied. Because she was the best presenter? I very much doubt it. More likely to fulfill the BBCs diversity agenda which they seem to pursue a little over-zealously sometimes.


We'll have the bloody elephant man on next drooling away.


"Thith ith the Bee Bee Thee!"

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