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Bruce Springsteen/glastonbury 2009


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Well personally I won't be standing in the pyramid field watching this old fart. I wasn't born in the USA and I couldn't give a crap about yer boring music. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Michael eavis get your finger out of your ass and book some decent talent.

You remind me of Noel Gallagher whining about Jay-Z. Of course, you've made an arse of yourself just like Noel.

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Ahem, I think you'll find Jay-Z made an arse out of Noel. I doubt Bruce Springsteen will make an arse out of Nunderweiza. But if he does, I'd go see it. But if he don't, I won't.

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Well personally I won't be standing in the pyramid field watching this old fart. I wasn't born in the USA and I couldn't give a crap about yer boring music. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Michael eavis get your finger out of your ass and book some decent talent.



I Hear you on this one, I for one will also not be stood listening to his Rubbish, I am sort of glad in a way as it means i have a really good excuse to be at one of the smaller stages for the Saturday Night headliners - maybe even the dance village as for the last couple of years i have been quite gutted i have not given more time to that particular area

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Humpf! Actually you might be able to recommend some new music for us, there has been nothing new and exciting (that I have found) since 2008 and that was ages ago. I like Indian music and drum music and pipe music and well most things that are good (a very personal decision) so whats new and exciting?

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