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Its Just Not Cricket Dear Boy

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Sport is meant to be about bringing people together. Competing in a fair way to bring entertainment to others, using prowess developed over years of training and competition. The couches, umpires and players will have been involved in the game all their lives - working with kids to nurture their skills and bring out the best in them, and seeing those skills mature into world beating talent.


The contrast with the murderers who wanted to use their spilled blood to make a violent political point couldn't be starker.


I am definitely glad that it looks like these thugs were very poorly trained. An ambush on a large slow moving target by a mass group, armed with automatic weapons, grenades and rockets, should have been a much bloodier affair. It looks like the Pakistani police did their job and took the brunt of the attack - cudos to them.


I can only assume its related to the LTTE - its interesting - claims of links between them and Muslim extremists have been around for a long time - training groups in Lebanon etc - and recently these claims have talked of links with Al Qaeda - I wonder if it was a sub-contracted attack?

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I am definitely glad that it looks like these thugs were very poorly trained. An ambush on a large slow moving target by a mass group, armed with automatic weapons, grenades and rockets, should have been a much bloodier affair. It looks like the Pakistani police did their job and took the brunt of the attack - cudos to them.

I think you have this very wrong. It was a very well planned and organised strike in the centre of Lahore. Three identified as attackers (there may have been more, or not) were wearing flak jackets and all got clean away - so far. And what an excellent and no doubt VERY deliberate choice of target. The Sri Lankan team with the Tamil Tigers on the run, in Pakistan that has been accused by India of helping to orchestrate the Mumbai deliberate targeting of foreigners, with the various warlords in the tribal areas agreeing to unite as instructed by Mullah Omar in order to inflict a first defeat on Obama by making a failure of his "Afghanistan Surge".


Worryingly clever with the usual total disregard for human life. IMHO they're not winning yet but make no mistake they're making a real fight of it. And because the Pakistani Armed Forces are NOT being deployed to the tribal areas like Waziristan, presumably because the government thinks they will be beaten, it will continue. Because the ONLY way to defeat (if such a word is applicable - I don't think it is) an insurgency is to neutralise it's "safe havens" if you like and that's not happening yet.

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Do you think they "planned" to only wound the cricketers, P.K.?


For all the planning I still think it was good luck that many more people weren't killed - if they are well organized with heavy weaponry and body armour, but don't take out their main target I think you've got to put that down to poor implementation - the guys firing didn't do "their job" and that has to be due to training.


For all the publicity this didn't acheive its "military" objective, but got bogged down fighting the police bodyguard.


I am extremely glad they failed to do what they set out to try and do!


That said, I very much agree with your sentiment that Pakistan is a dangerous place and in many ways more important than Afghanistan itself in defeating the Taliban.

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The Sri Lankan team is such a perfect target their presence may just have been an accident!


It's too early to tell, fog of war and all that, and the main "target" may just have got lucky - it happens. The flak vests are a worrying development. Normally these nutters have already accepted that they're not coming back. The way they got away with no casualties tells me that was the intent. Live to strike another day it would seem. Not good.

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Blah blah, cricket will suffer for ever boo hoo.

Oh, by the way, three people died.



Blah blahm glib post....


Oh by the way its 6 people dead....

Try to keep up, 6 police and two by-standers. Eight sportsmen injured.

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It would seem the rocket missed and a grenade thrown under the coach wasn't enough to disable it and the driver managed to drive it out of the kill zone - very bloody lucky. The earlier footage showed two gunmen machine-gunning a policeman who was lying in the gutter. Presumably the censor originally missed it as it has now been sanitised. I wonder about that. Should folks be spared that kind of detail or should they get to see it so they actually realise the truth about the scum they are dealing with? Anyway, it could have been a lot worse.

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It would seem the rocket missed and a grenade thrown under the coach wasn't enough to disable it and the driver managed to drive it out of the kill zone - very bloody lucky. The earlier footage showed two gunmen machine-gunning a policeman who was lying in the gutter. Presumably the censor originally missed it as it has now been sanitised. I wonder about that. Should folks be spared that kind of detail or should they get to see it so they actually realise the truth about the scum they are dealing with? Anyway, it could have been a lot worse.


I think they should show terrorist killings like that and all the horrors of war on televisions. Really hit home with what is going on. Dead civilians: fathers, mothers, children, babies, families. Might make people think twice about supporting terrorism and war.

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