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The BNP's 2009 European Elections poster shows a nostalgic picture of a Second World War fighter plane under the slogan "Battle for Britain".


But RAF history experts have identified the iconic Romeo Foxtrot Delta Plane as belonging not to Britons but to a group of Polish pilots instead.


The plane was actually flown by the celebrated 303 Squadron of the RAF – made up of Polish airmen rescued from France shortly before Nazi occupation.

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It might still work.

"Beware, before you realise they'll be making themselves useful and getting into positions of power and ruling you're lives, to the point where they'll be earning medals and doing stuff you'll be grateful for."


What a bunch of total morons.

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saw the thread title and thought this was an oxymoron thread .. same as police intelligence..


And australian fashion

...and used to be said in NI... British Army Intelligence...


Personally I am delighted that the BNP have (probably unwittingly) chosen to honour the Polish pilos of WWII.


I think it was Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding who said (and I paraphrase as I don't have the book in front of me) "Without the Polish Air Force and its pilots we would have lost the Battle of Britain".


The Poles were far more experienced pilots than the youngsters of the RAF, their tactics were attuned to much closer combat contact with the enemy planes (a lot of the Polish pilots were ex-cavalry officers) and their mechanics achieved a far higher level of operational efficiency for their planes. In consequence their strike rate per pilot was considerably higher than that achieved by the RAF. They had also already experienced Luftwaffe tactics and were undoubtedly enormously motivated for revenge against the Germans.


We owe the Poles an enormous debt of gratitude.



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We all owe this Pole an enormous debt of gratitude as she brightened up the local pub no end:




Just look at the pressure the buttons on that blouse are under. She didn't do our blood pressure any good either!

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We owe the Poles an enormous debt of gratitude.


Yet from that thinking they really don't owe the British state anything. Britain only saved them from a more severe form of oppression with Nazi Germany but replaced it with Russian control.


In a sense, Britain never did stand alone when it had the aid of the Dominions, imperial possessions, and the last remants of the French and other European nation's forces.

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We owe the Poles an enormous debt of gratitude.

Yet from that thinking they really don't owe the British state anything. Britain only saved them from a more severe form of oppression with Nazi Germany but replaced it with Russian control.


In a sense, Britain never did stand alone when it had the aid of the Dominions, imperial possessions, and the last remants of the French and other European nation's forces.

The Soviets, having massacred the Polish officer class and Polish Police force at various places including Katyn, returned later and claimed that they, not the British, 'liberated' the Poles.

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We owe the Poles an enormous debt of gratitude.

Yet from that thinking they really don't owe the British state anything. Britain only saved them from a more severe form of oppression with Nazi Germany but replaced it with Russian control.


In a sense, Britain never did stand alone when it had the aid of the Dominions, imperial possessions, and the last remants of the French and other European nation's forces.

The Soviets, having massacred the Polish officer class and Polish Police force at various places including Katyn, returned later and claimed that they, not the British, 'liberated' the Poles.


The Russians didn't want to liberate Poland, they even conquered half of it at the beginning of the war.

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The Russians didn't want to liberate Poland, they even conquered half of it at the beginning of the war.

Yes, the 'returned later' bit was 4 years after the initial massacres. In 1944 the Russians finished off as many of the Polish Home Army - Armia Krajowa (who staged the Warsaw Uprising) as possible. Amongst other theories as to why he had this hatred of the Polish officer class, Stalin was said to be more than a little upset that the Polish Army had badly defeated the USSR back in 1919-1921 when the USSR were attempting to conquer Poland and take over parts of Germany.


The Free Polish Army, who were the largest Allied fighting force in the West other than the UK before the USA joined WW II, were the only military group forbidden by Britain to march in the post war Victory Parade in London.

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The Russians didn't want to liberate Poland, they even conquered half of it at the beginning of the war.

Yes, the 'returned later' bit was 4 years after the initial massacres. In 1944 the Russians finished off as many of the Polish Home Army - Armia Krajowa (who staged the Warsaw Uprising) as possible. Amongst other theories as to why he had this hatred of the Polish officer class, Stalin was said to be more than a little upset that the Polish Army had badly defeated the USSR back in 1919-1921 when the USSR were attempting to conquer Poland and take over parts of Germany.


The Free Polish Army, who were the largest Allied fighting force in the West other than the UK before the USA joined WW II, were the only military group forbidden by Britain to march in the post war Victory Parade in London.


I suppose it simply served Soviet interests well to remove any possibility of a defence against the USSR in future. If you have plans for the nation, such as its elimination and absorbtion into the USSR, you don't want freedom fighters waging a guerilla war. If the Warsaw Uprising was successful then it would have been the 'London' government that would have taken control of the country and not the Lublin one.

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