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Chucking Custard


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I am reasonably amazed that the lady wasn't arrested for it.


Direct action all well and good - but there are consequences to doing that and I don't think it sends out the right message that someone can get that close to a prominent person and not be at least detained for their actions.


Lots of people have more sinister examples of Direct Action and I would expect the police to be there to provide protection from such people. From the coverage I saw there is no way anyone there could have known if the attack was reasonably benign or far more sinister, but she was able to just stroll away.

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I thought she would be arrested too. Quite surprised.


What do you mean about not sending out the right message? Do you mean in case someone had a knife or a gun? There have been plenty of opportunities for politicians to be attacked or custarded in the past, they rarely have. Maybe people have wisened up and realised that such politicians do not deserve nor command respect given their position and certainly from their actions.


I don't like the idea of these people having police guards or protection. It would mean they are more difficult to reach if you did want to custard pie them.

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Hm.. Loonys like her are the reason most people don't take green groups seriously - well done, lady, you've damaged your cause more than you think...


Their Scottish stupid counterparts have also been busy



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I thought it was a good thing for them to do (did not harm anyone nor pose a real threat but got message over), would you have preferred her to bomb him or stab him Amadeus? I laughed when I heard her talk of the 'green slime coursing through his veins' - Icke lizard nation FTW.


Mr M took it really well, he won my respect for not making a big fuss, anyway.

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Hm.. Loonys like her are the reason most people don't take green groups seriously - well done, lady, you've damaged your cause more than you think...


Their Scottish stupid counterparts have also been busy




I'd rather people did stuff like that rather than just rely on lobbying politicians, But it wasn't much of anything really. If its purpose is to draw attention the building of the runway then it may have worked given its publicity. If its to highlight some supposed hypocrisy then ok. It wasn't any big action so I think the publicity surrounding it has blown it out of proportion.


Though I don't understand the whole argument about the runway. Are these climate change people advocating a reduction or abolition of air travel?

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It's all the fault of that nasty Phantom Flan Flinger. He started all this off. Or it might have been Mr Pastry. You're too young to know Mr Pastry Ms Bees - but you might remember the PFF.


Poor old Mandy - but I bet it's not the first time he's been coated in a custard like substance.


He loves it, the only type he wont eat is Birds.

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