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Isn't This Place Busy?


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Rather an unfortunate line break there...






I thought they were going to put up pictures of customers indulging in vice.


Anyway, working on the council's principle that pictures of cigarettes discourage smokers, won't pictures of full shops discourage customers.

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What a waste of money, they should spend more on the rest of the town, some of which is no better than a public dump. Drove down Tynwald Street today, and what a dump, the whole street should be knocked down and new town houses built.

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If they are thinking of doing that to Woolworths aren't they going to have to paint some pigeons helping themselves to pic'n'mix for authenticity?


And I'd personally put one of the fabricated shoppers struggling with a load of JML tat at the door like they are leaving and see if any thicko's try and open the door for them out of politeness and we can subsequently chuckle at them.

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After this mad idea, they could apply the the same notion to Tynwald!


Or they could paste the windows with this crime-busting 'muriel'




Anyway, what about an indoor market?


Local craft centre?


Auction house?

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Maybe they should ask the landlords to let them on a temp basis to other shop owners so they can train staff on how to dress a shop window, as i understand "window dressers" get paid a fortune so why not train local staff to do it using the empty shops as a practice base.


Or rent them out to advertising companies.

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Pictures showing a full shop with loads of people are in my opinion, a good stop gap idea.

Yes, they're showing a false situation which gets on my wotsits as there should ideally be something there, but I think its trying to make the place look lively instead of an empty shell.

I've seen some ugly places like this where the main shops include a large supermarket, takeaways and loads of charity shops. These places feel dead and drab as if the very heart and soul of the community have been torn out, leaving that empty soulless shell.

So as a stop gap, I think its a good quick fix idea instead of displaying an empty store, but real shops need to urgently take its place to avoid a gloomy shopping area.


Edit: I liked Addie's idea of an indoor market so that small traders can sell their unique wares :thumbsup:

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Jebus! I've heard everything now, next it'll be dressed manequins placed all along Strand Street to simulate busy shopping days.


Get your finger out Pitts and Co and do what you were voted in to do - improve Douglas. Push with the government to get the promenade sorted whilst giving work to construction workers and sorting out the thousands of trenches and potholes, getting the trams onto a single central track saving the corpy running costs, and allowing more free parking to get people into town using the shops.


Instead, all we are getting is absolute gibberish like this, never mind all the focus on wardens, dog shit and fag ends.


The place is falling to bits and rapidly heading downhill. In the meantime far too many supposedly responsible people are sat with their thumbs up their bums and living in dreamland.

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Dear me, such negativity! Look on the bright side, now we can have everything that everyone has always wanted - Pizza Hut, Burger King, Primark, the limit is but our own imagination, lol,lol......... I'm now looking forward to a Selfridges food hall not opening next door to Moochers. I'm going to stuff my pockets with Monopoly money and head down there as soon as the development is complete - should take all of a couple of days........ ; ))

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