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[BBC News] Appeal over 'rare' street robbery


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Oh I see! Lol,lol........ you misunderstand! The building I refer to had ceased to function as a medical institution. I don't know why that is, government cuts or something probably. Anyway, it had been squatted by a crew of crusties who in no time at all had installed the loudest rig you'd ever heard and proceeded to put on what someone like you might call 'a rave'. We were 'raving' for a whole weekend solid. It was brilliant!........... lol,lol....... ; ))


Now children, here endeth today's lesson. Drugs are bad for you and if you're ever in doubt, remember that you don't want to be another 'keyboarder'


Thank you Keyboarder for sharing your experiences and for being a prime example of what our youth should not turn out like.

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Let's hope the police put as much effort into catching these sorry specimens as they do into catching and imprisoning people for possession of small drug amounts.


That's just stupid, it's a bit like saying 'It was only a small knife that I used to stab him with...' If it's illegal, it's illegal and for good reason. Just because you only steal a little bit of money, steal a small car or posses a small amount of drugs, it's still illegal and you have to face the consequences of your actions.


Anyway, how would you define 'small drug amounts' ?


I must say, it is silly how much effort is put in catching people with small amounts, as opposed to dealing. I think though that the war on drugs on the Island is carried out in the way it is because of less liberal attitudes but mainly that the police have more time on their hands to do the jobsworth stuff and go after every drug taker.

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'Rare street robberies' are not that uncommon. 'Post Office Lane' dissapeared without trace in Douglas years ago, and no one has seen it since.


Is that the one that still (legally speaking?) runs through Marks & Spencer?

No it doesn't, it has been legally revoked as a higway and right of way
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'Rare street robberies' are not that uncommon. 'Post Office Lane' dissapeared without trace in Douglas years ago, and no one has seen it since.


Is that the one that still (legally speaking?) runs through Marks & Spencer?

No it doesn't, it has been legally revoked as a higway and right of way


Where is Post Office Lane? I thought the street that used to run through Marks and Spender was Drumgold.

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"The robbers were all aged between 16 and 20. One had short black hair and was wearing black tracksuit top and bottoms. "




Although there have been reports of a new dangerous breed of the wee folk down at the bridge.



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'Rare street robberies' are not that uncommon. 'Post Office Lane' dissapeared without trace in Douglas years ago, and no one has seen it since.

Cough cough....




Can I claim a reward? :)

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Key-boring is the poster of whom it might well be said that it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Nobody thinks me a fool. (If you meant me, so many usurpers........... lol,lol............. after all...; ))

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A nine bar of hash, or a similar quantity of weed.

Ten grams of cocaine or heroin.

Fifty ecstasy tablets.

Ditto tabs of acid.

A tesco carrier bag stuffed full of magic mushrooms.

Twenty grams of amphetamine sulphate, but only best quality.

Ditto grams of MDMA of ditto quality.

An undefined amount of ketamine.


And maybe some downers lol,lol..... ;; )))

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