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Voting At 16

Moghrey Mie

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I would like to see a 16 yr old candidate at the next election.

Whilst I admire your purist motivation for the above.


What could they possibly bring to the Manx Parliament? What could they offer me in terms of political leadership and strategic thinking?


Now, Local Government, maybe. Dealing with local, franky minor, issues, such as dog shit and skate parks.



We're not talking about them standing for election but understanding the system and taking part by voting on one day and being active citizens during the rest of the year.



Why were they given the vote if they couldn't possibly bring anything to Tynwald?


It doesn't say much for our education system.

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I would like to see a 16 yr old candidate at the next election.

If that's the case - I'd also like my cat to have the opportunity.


The last thing we need here is more career politicians IMO. Anyhoo, I think any such candidate wouldn't have a chance, people generally know sod all aged 16, and voters know it.


Juanior Watterson is enough for me ta.

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I didn't vote for Watterson last time, in part due to his inexperience, he'd only been an accountant. But he's pleasantly surprised me in the role.


However, I think if a 16 year old (or Albert's cat) wants to stand - let them. People would only have theselves to blame if they got elected and then weren't up to the job.

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We're not talking about them standing for election but understanding the system and taking part by voting on one day and being active citizens during the rest of the year.



Why were they given the vote if they couldn't possibly bring anything to Tynwald?


It doesn't say much for our education system.


But what sort of education are we talking about here?


I think teaching politics is a very good thing but not teaching about voting and the Manx electoral system. If you teach how to vote it isn't that far to say you SHOULD vote and that you should give consent to the political system. It is just the same as young people being taught about the wonders of communism in the Soviet Union.

I think that young people (and older) are politicised already.

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I think that young people (and older) are politicised already.

I don't think the vast majority are politicised - if anything most are dumbocratised and led by the nose by the media - and those that don't actually even bother to vote any more are rapidly on their way to becoming the majority.


Ask most people to state 3 or more policies of any major party in the UK, and they'd most likely be completely flummoxed - and very likely get them wrong even if they guessed.


Politics here and in the UK is stuffed. Gimmicky and desperate attempts to get people interested (i.e. vote at 16) won't make much difference. It's the career politicians, the idiots, the do nothings and all the spin that have to go - along with the first past the post system that gets minority government elected, and makes most people think voting is futile.


Democracy? - my arse.

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I think that young people (and older) are politicised already.

I don't think the vast majority are politicised - if anything most are dumbocratised and led by the nose by the media - and those that don't actually even bother to vote any more are rapidly on their way to becoming the majority.


Ask most people to state 3 or more policies of any major party in the UK, and they'd most likely be completely flummoxed - and very likely get them wrong even if they guessed.


Politics here and in the UK is stuffed. Gimmicky and desperate attempts to get people interested (i.e. vote at 16) won't make much difference. It's the career politicians, the idiots, the do nothings and all the spin that have to go - along with the first past the post system that gets minority government elected, and makes most people think voting is futile.


Democracy? - my arse.


I didn't mean that the politicisation of young people is reflected by how many vote. I just mean that young people have a good idea of the world around them and what they want from it. And I don't think that it is surprising that they see voting as a futile affair.


Do you not think though that most people are led by the mainstream media in how they understand current affairs?


Yeah you are right, it isn't much of a democracy, nothing to happy about. It isn't surprising that young and old people are turned off by a system that involves so little partication from the people it is supposedly built around. Which again is why I would be concerned about filling young people's heads with silly ideas about voting is a good thing and an implicit recognition of the validity of the form of government that we have. Let them make up their minds themselves.

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It might help if the Parties actually announced their policies! Across the Cameron appears scared to and his many policy appears lets get voted in on the back of Brown/Labours unpopularity.


Over here we have one main political party and it is not readily clear from their website what their plocies are. You get some indication from looking at policy discussion papers which I think were prepared for the last election, but whether they are formal policies of the party or just discussion papers which might lead to the formation of a policy I am not sure.


Ask most people to state 3 or more policies of any major party in the UK, and they'd most likely be completely flummoxed - and very likely get them wrong even if they guessed.
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Simply put, sod all.

Liberal Vannin, on the other hand, are looking at the issue.



I would like to see a 16 yr old candidate at the next election.



Strange that Skrappey is not posting being a LV member and all that or maybe he is??? *)*)*)


Don't wish for something you can't handle.

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It might help if the Parties actually announced their policies! Across the Cameron appears scared to and his many policy appears lets get voted in on the back of Brown/Labours unpopularity.


Over here we have one main political party and it is not readily clear from their website what their plocies are. You get some indication from looking at policy discussion papers which I think were prepared for the last election, but whether they are formal policies of the party or just discussion papers which might lead to the formation of a policy I am not sure.


Ask most people to state 3 or more policies of any major party in the UK, and they'd most likely be completely flummoxed - and very likely get them wrong even if they guessed.


Liberal Vannin has just initiated a 'Policy Forum' to look at the party policies and formulate them into a more 'user friendly', (readable) form. From success at the last two elections due to our policies, it is time for an update, that is now happening. Hopefully a meeting in June or July will ratify those policies and they will be published in 'The Libertarian' the LV newspaper first seen at the annual conference in January.

I'm afraid we haven't got any "plocies". :cool:

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I must admit your definition of success must be vastly different from mine!


Liberal Vannin has just initiated a 'Policy Forum' to look at the party policies and formulate them into a more 'user friendly', (readable) form. From success at the last two elections due to our policies, it is time for an update, that is now happening.
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Alwyas struck me as a bit of a contrast.


Let teenagers vote at 16 whilst otherwise mostly ignoring them and/or doing as little as possible ( so it seems ) to provide meaningful facilities.


(The great Onchan skateboard park saga being the sort of thing I mean)

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