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Health Agreement Will End 1 April 2010!


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I've started up a petition on the PM's website....



IMO these petitions are a waste of time, the channel islands one on the same topic an example. If people really want action on this it will have to be a door to door petition over the easter/summer IMO. Half of the people on the island aren't on the interweb - and most of them being the ones who are going to be the most adversely affected by this (older and elderly).


Tony Brown intimated that things were going on behind the scenes to deal with this, but what? - is anyones guess at present. The real push needs to come from Tony Brown et al so the real pressure, IMO, needs to be a petition aimed at getting him off his arse (assuming he is not off it already). Lots of groups have interests in this e.g. help the aged, Manx Legion, TT and motorsports, hoteliers, tourism generally etc. etc. etc.


There is a distinct lack of info flowing on this important topic. What's really going on is probably only an answer an MHK will find out by asking in Tynwald.

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I believe it is imperitative for the IOM government to be negotiating reciprocal health agreements with its neighbours - just as it is doing with tax affairs.


Our neighbours have recipricol agreements with each other, but the IOM is being increasingly excluded.


That is a huge failing on the part of our politicians - it isolates us as a community from our neighbours and affects their willingness to visit us.


As we are a tiny population, excluded from joining in with the multilateral health agreements getting health insurance privately will be excessively expensive.


All of this points to a state level solution to this problem not a private one.


The lack of EU and now UK health agreements is a huge endictment of our health service and minister. They have been asleep and allowed the IOM to miss the boat as recipricol arrangements were created around them.


Good post Chinahand.


Nice to see Rog back, adding another perspective too.


My own view is that for too long the Isle of Man has been lodged severely up its own arse. Yes we have been 'doing well'. Loadsa loadsa-fucken-money all round. We worship Tony and Allan and Donald and all the rest of the fuckwits. But have THEY provided us this vast wealth?


Have they fuck.


They have just been the gobshite fugureheads. They have taken their eye off the ball whilst troughing it to the max with all their pals in the higher echelons of the Civil Service and Private Sector.


In the eyes of the World the Isle of Man is the ginger bastard cousin. A smug boasting twat of a ginger cousin at that.


I really can't understand why we are all so perplexed that the United Kingdom has at last fucked us off.


(a simplistic view I realise but after considering as many points as I can and interjecting a touch of tourettes this is the best I can come up with)

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Yes it's simplistic, % but not far off the mark (although I might have put it differently).


I'm not at all surprised that the UK have done this, Broon and Mr President love the applause and adulation the sound bite of 'get rid of tax havens' brings them. It doesn't matter if we are a well regulated jurisdiction or a banana republic, the man on the Clapham Omnibus hears IOM and thinks dodgy tax dealings which I am paying towards. Whether we deserve a better hearing or sympathy over this is immaterial, we aint gonna get one!


The only way this is going to work is an IOM Gov backed in house insurance that there are no get outs from and everyone pays the same regardless of age or medical history. Bit like NI payments really.When that's sorted out the EHIC business needs to be publically investigated. Despite rooting out as much info as I could, I still do know if its us who won't pay or them who wont accept us at any price.


bishbash - The arrogance of Minister Teare has caused me to wince on a few occasions and his not answering my letter is just another example. Whilst our MHK is not ideal, he does answer all enquiries and letters. (Before anyone thinks I'm a serial letter writer with nothing better to do, I think its 3 letters in the last 20 years....)

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"What do we want?" - INDEPENDENCE


"When do we want it?" - NOW


repeat ad lib and then in the style of Life of Brian add coda:


"Except we want the UK to keep giving us health care . . .and all those £millions in VAT revenue . . . etc"



As I said before:


"In the eyes of the World the Isle of Man is the ginger bastard cousin. A smug boasting twat of a ginger cousin at that."


Not a very nice thing to say I know, but realism really is a bastard of an infliction and a cross I have to bear, one that was handed to me courtesy of the Isle of Man establishment.


Please someone, give me back my rose tinted spectacles.

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Who will take care of Manx Service Men & Women, you know the ones that sign up to help steel the oil from the Muslims, if they are injured during service

As they are serving in the UK forces and paying UK national insurance they are covered by the UK NHS as is anyone who has lived in the uk or worked there for 5 years after they leave or in the case of armed forces if they have injuries sustained during service then they are covered for life for anything related to that injury

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Who will take care of Manx Service Men & Women, you know the ones that sign up to help steel the oil from the Muslims, if they are injured during service

As they are serving in the UK forces and paying UK national insurance they are covered by the UK NHS as is anyone who has lived in the uk or worked there for 5 years after they leave or in the case of armed forces if they have injuries sustained during service then they are covered for life for anything related to that injury


So Manx veterans are covered then, it may not be as you may think. Many of those that are woried about the situation are vererans through national service.


Calling Stu Peters

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Who will take care of Manx Service Men & Women, you know the ones that sign up to help steel the oil from the Muslims, if they are injured during service

As they are serving in the UK forces and paying UK national insurance they are covered by the UK NHS as is anyone who has lived in the uk or worked there for 5 years after they leave or in the case of armed forces if they have injuries sustained during service then they are covered for life for anything related to that injury


So Manx veterans are covered then, it may not be as you may think. Many of those that are woried about the situation are vererans through national service.


Calling Stu Peters

It's all based on current residency.


If you did time in the forces, as I did, or spent time working and paying into the UK system on other jobs, as I did - but are now resident here - you're not covered in the UK.


If you move to the UK to work and become resident there - you are covered from the day you start residing there.


Same for people moving here from the UK, we cover them once they are determined to be 'resident' here. "New residents, who should register with a General Practitioner on arrival, are entitled to the full range of services from the date of taking up residence.". (That doesn't include benefits though, as there is a qualifying period).


So anyone moving here (or to the UK) should register with a doctor pretty quick on arrival IMO, to ensure they are covered and determined as 'resident'. As well as registering with the approproate income tax or other stick-your-beak in agencies that require you to let them know where you are 'residing'.

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If you did time in the forces, as I did, or spent time working and paying into the UK system on other jobs, as I did - but are now resident here - you're not covered in the UK.

If your medical condition is due to injuries whilst in the armed forces then any treatment arrising from that condition is covered for life by the UK NHS but no other illness etc, You should also note that you are covered for 5 years after you leave residency of the UK if you have previously payed NI for a certain period.

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You should also note that you are covered for 5 years after you leave residency of the UK if you have previously payed NI for a certain period.

Where did you get that info from Jim? The last quote I heard from Eddie Teare (Feb) said he hadn't heard anything about that sort of detail from the Dept of Health.

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how many ppl live here again!!!!!!!!!!


Just what I was thinking! Either apathy rules or some people have not latched onto how significant a problem this is going to be. I was amazed by the similar lack of interest in the posts on the denial of EHIC cards to manx resident last year too.


I think anyone born after the war and living in the British Isles has become so used to the NHS umbrella protecting us that we never consider how life would be without it. Insurance is fine until they manage to find some slight problem to squirm out of a claim and that's if they will cover you in the first place! Only this week I heard of someone being refused cover on a holiday insurance. His existing policy required him to ring up and say if he was on any medication. This person is very fit and walks about 35 miles a week but has raised blood pressure and his tablets control it well. The insurance company said that was ok but then asked him if he had ever had a cholesterol test. He had and it was raised. Well that was it. Hypertension + hypercholesterolaemia = no cover whatsoever. He now has to tell every other company he tries that he has been denied insurance elsewhere as they have some sort of database where all this is recorded.


This is the reality of dealing with insurance companies.If you are young with no medical history or claims experience cover is dirt cheap. If you are not, it can be very expensive or not available at all. In a year's time such policies will be required for your whole family for your Liverpool shopping trip so:




It may do not good in the long run but just imagine Broon grinning saying "hey we got away with that one! Only a few replies to the petition!"

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Echoing Ballaughbiker - this is a really important issue - what is PAG, Liberal Vannin, Mec Vannin, etc etc doing about it.


It will make travelling to the UK much more of a hassle.


Is there a list of MHK emails anywhere?


It is madness in this age that neither the Tynwald site nor the IOM Gov site have MHK's contact emails on them.


I want to put up a list here to encourage people to write to there MHKs about this - it is bad enough we don't have cover in Europe, but to loose it for the UK as well is madness - if apathy rules then our politicians will just let us become more and more isolated. That is not acceptable and should be fought.

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