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Murders In Northern Ireland


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yeah they have made huge strides .. and this is a blip .. although they could do more to police themselves could sinn fien they should make examples of the mongral retards responsible and show the world they are done with condoning murder.

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It is very sad and also the news that Irish Police from both sides of the border are now looking for a large bomb which was recently taken across the border. The Real IRA demonstrated what they are capable with the Omagh bombing which killed more people than any other incident during the 30+ years of the Troubles. These recent attacks happened now because the terrorists were lucky to find some guns and bombs - they don't have large support from communities in either Irish state and it's good to see the Republican Sinn Fèin and the Loyalists side by side. Maybe the IRA will suprise us by coming back just to take out those who commited these shootings proving that their war is really over.

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It is very sad and also the news that Irish Police from both sides of the border are now looking for a large bomb which was recently taken across the border. The Real IRA demonstrated what they are capable with the Omagh bombing which killed more people than any other incident during the 30+ years of the Troubles. These recent attacks happened now because the terrorists were lucky to find some guns and bombs - they don't have large support from communities in either Irish state and it's good to see the Republican Sinn Fèin and the Loyalists side by side. Maybe the IRA will suprise us by coming back just to take out those who commited these shootings proving that their war is really over.


Can't see that happening. Why would the former Provos fight other Republicans? I can only see that happening if the Real IRA strategy brings more troops and a greater British presence to Northern Ireland. Not sure if that is likely to happen.

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The IRA would often take out any republicans/members that did anything not sanctioned.

Mcguiness could easily get the killers taken out if he wanted to.


To be honest, I am not quite sure of the relationship between the Real IRA and the former Provos and Sinn Fein.


But I think you are right, if Sinn Fein feel that the Real IRA are jeopardising their long-term goals then I think there will be a backlash against them.

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There are too many actors in NI for them to do this without seriously upsetting the settlement they have joined. If the IRA shot or took out any CIRA or RIRA members the Unionist/Loyalist groups would be up in arms saying this is proof that the IRA is still active.


They are caught in a cleft stick - gouded by the dissident republicans, but not able to lash out against them for fear of upsetting the loyalists.


The dissidents know this - that is why they've not joined the settlement!


Gathering intelligence might be another issue - I pressume there are various people with IRA bruises at the moment - the IRA will want to know who's involved and have the clought in the community to find out - probably painfully for various people pulled into their investigations.


But I doubt they will act on their intelligence it would risk too much for them - but will they share it with the police? It may be irrelevent, they probably know who's responsible - its just having evidence to prove it.

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It is very sad and also the news that Irish Police from both sides of the border are now looking for a large bomb which was recently taken across the border. The Real IRA demonstrated what they are capable with the Omagh bombing which killed more people than any other incident during the 30+ years of the Troubles. These recent attacks happened now because the terrorists were lucky to find some guns and bombs - they don't have large support from communities in either Irish state and it's good to see the Republican Sinn Fèin and the Loyalists side by side. Maybe the IRA will suprise us by coming back just to take out those who commited these shootings proving that their war is really over.


Can't see that happening. Why would the former Provos fight other Republicans? I can only see that happening if the Real IRA strategy brings more troops and a greater British presence to Northern Ireland. Not sure if that is likely to happen.


It has happened before and will probably happen again.

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There are too many actors in NI for them to do this without seriously upsetting the settlement they have joined. If the IRA shot or took out any CIRA or RIRA members the Unionist/Loyalist groups would be up in arms saying this is proof that the IRA is still active.


Hmm, I am not so sure. Do you not think it likely that loyalists would rather indifferent to killings of RIRA? It would be perceived to be a minor intra-republican problem and the loyalist and republican communities have a history of dealing with deviants as they see fit. I'd of thought the loyalists would have more to lose from allowing a continuation of the RIRA than it would for former Provos to to put a stop to it.


They are caught in a cleft stick - gouded by the dissident republicans, but not able to lash out against them for fear of upsetting the loyalists.


The dissidents know this - that is why they've not joined the settlement!


I thought the reason why there are dissidents is simply that they believe that violent action is necessary to remove the British presence. They are just those who rejected the change of strategy.


It has happened before and will probably happen again.


You think? I think any greater British presence would only serve to further destabilise the peace. Not sure if the British would risk that, although the RIRA may desire it.

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Its not the loyalist terrorist groups that have influence in this - its the political parties which have the ability to shut down the power sharing agreement they have with Sin Fein - they've done it what twice before - both times over IRA activity and many aren't happy with the power sharing arrangement.


If IRA activity starts up again even solely within their own community it will be viewed with extreme suspicion by many within the DUP and could have serious consequences for their working relationship. If Stormount gets shut down again then Sin Fein will have little to show for their efforts - which will make the extremists' "We told you so" rankle.


I don't think the pessimitic scenarios will pan out. But its a dangerous time.

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