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Hated Till Proven


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'The Big Sleep' sounds like 'Is Vic There' By Department S but speeded up.


I dont know the song or artist but if they sound like us then they must be fucking ace.


They don't sound like you at all, but the intro to the Big Sleep is very similar to their song.


I thought you were supposed to be a punk band?

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As Declan said above... you are supposed to be a punk band and you've never heard of Department S...? :o


Jim they were a one hit wonder 10 years before he was born.


Besides for modern punks it's a genre rather than amovement and by that criteria Dept S aren't remotely punk. (actually I'm not sure they were by any criteria).


I was just referring to the metal soloing in the myspace tracks.

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What worries me more is the fact you have been to a westlife concert.


As much as I would like to continue this discussion I came here to promote my band, not have a pointless discussion with a wind up merchant such as yourself.


If you want to carry on talking about my band we will be at the Trafalgar on the 17th and BBB on the 18th. Any of my band memebers will be happy to answer your questions.


Plus face to face is always better, as I'm sure you have found some people like to hide behind fake personalities on internet forums.


I hope you do come and see us but given your a fan of shit music i dont suppose you will.



In fact I actually enjoy the clash and the ramones etc, where you even born when they where on the schene?


Alter ego's are a funny thing, as I never ealised Adamam88 was your real name, I may look you up in the phone c

book , under C for ............




Crap Copy's trying to be what they are never going to be good enough to be.



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Metal solos?!?!? I only wish I was good enough to play metal solos! I only know one scale :P


Just out of interest, what does a punk solo sound like?


In fact I actually enjoy the clash and the ramones etc, where you even born when they where on the schene?


Alter ego's are a funny thing, as I never ealised Adamam88 was your real name, I may look you up in the phone c

book , under C for ............




Crap Copy's trying to be what they are never going to be good enough to be.





No I wasn't born when the ramones or the clash were on the scene but to be honest neither of them really interest me. The ramones are good but went very poppy and the clash are possibly the most overrated punk band of all time, huge sell outs.

I prefer bands like the exploited and the skeptix, british punk bands.


Adamam88 may not be my real name, but it is my first name, first 2 letters of my second and year of birth. Whats 14intelligence company?!? 14 clearly isnt your age as you seem to act much younger, you have no intelligence and in order to be in other peoples company you surely need friends?!?


If you admit we are crap copies, then at least we sound like the bands your referring to, therefore punk, rendering all your previous statements complete and utter bollocks!



Wow !!!! you where born in 1988... FFS son, 2unlimited where in the charts and you where in a pushchair !!


You now nothing of Punk, apart from CDs you have bought from HMV.


14 Intelligence Company, maybe you should google it ??


Your music is not to my taste so sadly yes I think you are crap, live with that and go spit on a few moshers or what ever they call it, that young unemployed people do at your concerts etc.



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