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School Shooting In Germany


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At Least 11 Dead in German School Shooting


A 17-year-old youth clad in a dark combat outfit killed at least 11 people, nine of them pupils, at his former secondary school in southern Germany on Wednesday before fleeing. Police have stormed his parent's house. He is still at large.


Sad and shocking to see something like this happen, especially close to home and in a country with stringent gun laws :( News update said the gunman is now dead.

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And apparently also just happened in the states again too.


It's horrendous to think people can do things like this. Can only assume that their minds have just completely short circuited, but it's so awful that so many innocent people are affected by the consequences.

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Reported 16 dead now, including the shooter who went on to hijack a car and was killed in a shootout with police a few miles away. Just feels unreal - stuff like that simply doesn't happen in Germany, only that it did...



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The guy left a message on a forum that he was going to do it -


I've had enough. I'm fed up with this horrible life. Nobody knows what I'm capable of. I will go to school tomorrow for the grilling. Possibly I will get away with it.


"You will hear about me tomorrow. Make note of the name of the place: Winnenden.


Oh Man, what a world.


I really think its important to get out to kids that the agony and pain of being teenager is no justification.


I'm not convinced by the answer that this guy and all the others were just mad and couldn't have been reached and so the only solution is more and more gun controls.


I genuinely think there is a moral message which is not getting out, in fact almost the opposite, there is a meme out there which takes that despair of an isolated agonized teen and twists it into a justification for murder.


I've seen snippets of the videos the kids who committed the Columbine Massacre made and I wouldn't use the word psychotic to describe their mind set (though maybe I can for the Korean kid who shot up a US university). There's something different. They wanted to lash out and went and planned it and did it. Murdering innocents deliberately and coldly.


I've no idea how to get a moral message out to kids like that. They are a tiny, tiny minority, but I think they are listening to a meme which does circulate more generally in the teen angst scene.


You'll never entirely stop it - but I would target the wider meme first, rather than trying to target the one in a million individuals who take that meme seriously. You'll never find them, but I suspect the wider meme is almost everywhere - even on Mann?

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The guy left a message on a forum that he was going to do it -


I've had enough. I'm fed up with this horrible life. Nobody knows what I'm capable of. I will go to school tomorrow for the grilling. Possibly I will get away with it.


"You will hear about me tomorrow. Make note of the name of the place: Winnenden.


Oh Man, what a world.


I really think its important to get out to kids that the agony and pain of being teenager is no justification.


I'm not convinced by the answer that this guy and all the others were just mad and couldn't have been reached and so the only solution is more and more gun controls.


I genuinely think there is a moral message which is not getting out, in fact almost the opposite, there is a meme out there which takes that despair of an isolated agonized teen and twists it into a justification for murder.


I've seen snippets of the videos the kids who committed the Columbine Massacre made and I wouldn't use the word psychotic to describe their mind set (though maybe I can for the Korean kid who shot up a US university). There's something different. They wanted to lash out and went and planned it and did it. Murdering innocents deliberately and coldly.


I've no idea how to get a moral message out to kids like that. They are a tiny, tiny minority, but I think they are listening to a meme which does circulate more generally in the teen angst scene.


You'll never entirely stop it - but I would target the wider meme first, rather than trying to target the one in a million individuals who take that meme seriously. You'll never find them, but I suspect the wider meme is almost everywhere - even on Mann?


I think what you are saying is what is happening. It seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, this idea of taking-out others around you by shooting them in this manner.

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The guy left a message on a forum that he was going to do it -


I've had enough. I'm fed up with this horrible life. Nobody knows what I'm capable of. I will go to school tomorrow for the grilling. Possibly I will get away with it.


"You will hear about me tomorrow. Make note of the name of the place: Winnenden.


Oh Man, what a world.


The internet post is possibly a fake - the site where it was said to have been posted is down with this message:






here's the post he's supposed to have made the night before:




and here's the same post + what is said to be the (un-photoshopped) original below




Looks like either and Admin was after cheap publicity, or a user had some morbid photoshop fun, although the official line of the cops is that it might have been him - general internwebnets information confusion overload....

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