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Should of remembered this much much earlier for this thread!


[a scientist is being interviewed about his project to communicate with a gorilla sitting next to him]

Interviewer: Professor, can Gerald really speak as we would understand it?


Prof. Timothy Fielding: Oh yes, yes. He can speak a few actual words. Of course it was extremely difficult to get him even to this stage. When I first captured Gerald in the Congo, '67 I think it was...


Gerald, the Gorilla: '68


Prof. Timothy Fielding: '68. Umm... there was an awful lot of work to do. He was enormously slow and difficult. I had to do a lot of work with him on a sort of one-to-one basis...


Gerald, the Gorilla: [interrupting] Yes, yes, if I might just butt at this point Tim, I think I should point out that I have done a considerable amount of work on this project myself and if I may say so your teaching methods do leave a bit to be desired...


Prof. Timothy Fielding: That's a bit ungrateful, isn't it?


Gerald, the Gorilla: ...and your diction for instance...


Prof. Timothy Fielding: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Can I put this into some sort of perspective? When I caught Gerald in '68 he was completely wild.


Gerald, the Gorilla: Wild? I was absolutely livid!

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