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Naughty Boys Smoking Spliffs


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1. I do not share your ridiculously childish theories about governments (most grown-ups who live in the real world rather than the cloistered and protected arena of universities would feel the same)

2. My comments were about personal knowledge of the severe harm that cannabis has done to certain young people.

3. At no time did I ever suggest that I have 'shopped' anyone. I said that the police are 'aware' of what the young people are doing - but that was not any of my doing. If you cannot read properly - or understand what is written - I would suggest that you give up your studies immediately and try to survive without having everything paid for on your behalf.

4. An unreserved apology would be appropriate.


Sorry Lonan3, I think I came across wrong. I didn't mean to imply that you WOULD shop anyone. I was responding to the implication of Slinkydevil's post commenting about how maybe you SHOULD to teach them a lesson. My point was that the lesson was all wrong.


Childish theories? There is nothing childish about having libertarian views. What's theoretical about believing that the government should back off on drugs. But I think it is a childish mentality that exists when people believe that the government should punish drug users. The issue of their harm is a completely different matter.

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I am also anti drugs, in the case this thread is about, I know the young guy and yes what they where doing was wrong and illegal, so there fore they should be punished, but i also think that a slighter degree of thus punishment would be better.


Community Service would do the job, if he was to have a second offence then tougher punishment should be used.

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I am also anti drugs, in the case this thread is about, I know the young guy and yes what they where doing was wrong and illegal, so there fore they should be punished, but i also think that a slighter degree of thus punishment would be better.


Community Service would do the job, if he was to have a second offence then tougher punishment should be used.


What did they do that was wrong? Is there more to this than them smoking cannabis in a room, was this at home?

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He smoked, possessed and allowed others to use cannabis, all off which according to the Isle of Man's libertarian laws are illegal.


That is what he did wrong.


Aah right, he broke the law. Suppose it is matter of perspective about the rights and wrongs.


Libertarian? What do you mean by that?

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I'm wondering if the world view on cannabis will change since Barak Obama has admitted to Cannabis use in his university days?


His decriminalizing producers in states that have already decriminalized it for medical use is interesting.


I think it's common sense that certain drugs should be decriminalized for certain uses and unrefined cannabis is a good example, it's cheap, fairly harmless and effective for certain conditions. I don't think anyone really wants heroin and crack legally available on the street though do they?

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My own experience of this was a good friend of mine (though weve lost contact over the years). Having just completed his second degree , he began smoking a little bit here and there, with Uni mates , etc , and over time developed into quite a solid little habit. His job gradually suffered through inability to concentrate , lateness , showing up in an unfit state to work, etc etc. His girlfriend , who had just finished her BSC , and aside from being a truly good looking woman, was highly intelligent , walked out after another blazing row, the type of which had been escalating over the previous 12 months in line with his increased usage. Shortly after , another girl within our combined social circle, who had a reputation (quite justifiably I might add) for being a lazy , workshy cow who got what she wanted through flaunting 2 particular assets, usually wrapped in a very tight outfit, moved in. Having worked her way through 2 or 3 of the social circle, inevitably moving in, living off their incomes/drug stash for a while before walking out when it became apparent there simply werent enough drugs to meet her needs (Actually, I doubt there were enough in the entire continent to meet her needs) , she promptly latched onto said friend , and as anticipated, worked her way through the drug supply , cash , etc etc.


I moved about 4 months after she had moved in with the guy. When I left , he was unemployed , skint , had a habit which could only be fed by dealing to his mates. Oh , and hed sold his rather nice car, which he could no longer afford to run, and which he needed to pay off a debt to a rather unpleasant bloke who just happened to supply a good portion of said small town.


Ive not heard from him since. Neither have most people within the social circle we used to frequent. He became a bit of a recluse , partly due to the fact his temper and paranoia were getting the better of him regularly, and partly because he simply couldnt afford to do anything other than sit around the house all day.


If anyone wants my reasoning for being anti cannabis, there you have it. The timescale from start to finish of that story is 4 years. With heavier use from the start , would probably have been a lot shorter.

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^^ and I can give you life stories about professional people that do take drugs who are successful, motivated, in positions of responsibility, turn up every day, put in long hours, have never stolen etc etc. I know others who have fallen by the wayside and ended up in prison and addicted to heroin.


I also know people that don't take drugs who are workshy, lazy, have mental health problems, fucked up relationships, yada, yada...


People eh? They're all a bit different...

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