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Naughty Boys Smoking Spliffs


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And just what will this whole long drawn out legal process acomplish in repect of a few people sat in a room smoking a small amount of dope?


How much is the whole thing from arrest to sentence costing?

Is it *VFM* ?

Is it effective?



Will they as a result of this, renounce the evil vice and go on to invent cures for nasty diseases or something similarly wonderful and useful?


Why not just fixed a penalty and confiscate the crap?

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And just what will this whole long drawn out legal process acomplish in repect of a few people sat in a room smoking a small amount of dope?


How much is the whole thing from arrest to sentence costing?

Is it *VFM* ?

Is it effective?


I think you already know the answer to the 'Is it effective' and 'value for money' question. What good does it do?

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And just what will this whole long drawn out legal process acomplish in repect of a few people sat in a room smoking a small amount of dope?


How much is the whole thing from arrest to sentence costing?

Is it *VFM* ?

Is it effective?



Will they as a result of this, renounce the evil vice and go on to invent cures for nasty diseases or something similarly wonderful and useful?


Why not just fixed a penalty and confiscate the crap?


It's not about the money. It's about sending out a message.

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It's not about the money. It's about sending out a message.


But how much do you spend on an ineffective message?


It's more than a message. If it was simply a message to others then it would be an even greater injustice to use drugs users to set an example.

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But how much do you spend on an ineffective message?


It's more than a message. If it was simply a message to others then it would be an even greater injustice to use drugs users to set an example.


Sigh - I hate having to explain jokes...


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Tsk Tsk no one reads the Daily Wail. The content stays the same every day. They just move a few keywords around




Teenage Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, duis sed eget nostrud purus, eget nisi integer odio pellentesque, elit mi enim lorem. Dole scrounging Orci neque suspendisse interdum, aliquet Benefits pellentesque dolorem egestas. Drug Dealing Proin mauris etiam fusce nec magna in. Dui ISA ipsum cras, nulla pede, mauris ipsum sit id aliquam. Unemployed Et habitasse ac sed ante, ante imperdiet velit fringilla massa blandit eu. Illegal Immigrants Mauris lacus, vel justo magna, suspendisse nam torquent, sodales massa lacus. Mortgage Augue nam velit alias est cum sed, non penatibus, vestibulum urna faucibus vitae elit, at in duis et libero aspernatur. Fraudulent Vel minus commodo vel praesent, ipsum ultricies mi vestibulum. Hardworking Vestibulum feugiat suscipit orci, turpis posuere lorem porta fringilla pellentesque nisl. Middle Class Cras erat in integer sed, tortor dolor mi lobortis maecenas sem integer, in eu amet magna, vestibulum vulputate consectetuer duis feugiat sed erat, eget vitae consequat. Our Country Vulputate amet non et nec quis turpis, semper sollicitudin fusce sociosqu proin at, vel suspendisse erat tortor aliquam eros molestie, suscipit reiciendis.

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I am also anti drugs, in the case this thread is about, I know the young guy and yes what they where doing was wrong and illegal, so there fore they should be punished, but i also think that a slighter degree of thus punishment would be better.


Community Service would do the job, if he was to have a second offence then tougher punishment should be used.



So Mr. Faragher you don't take ibuprofen, smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, have never had any anaesthetics etc., etc. or would allow any member of your family to??? Anti-drugs...what a load of bollox........whilst my personal opinions about drugs is irrelevant, you sir are a pompous fool! If a law was passed that you could only wipe yer arse with 3 upstrokes, you are the kind of sheeple that would do it without questions.....balls are in short supply fella...but I encourage you to go and find a set.



Yes i even take heaven forbid other pain killers, the joy of having knee reconstruction surgery !! I drink coffee .. the difference is all these things are legal... I am allowed too, I even enjoy the odd JD and coke, again I am over 18 and so am LEGALLY allowed too. I have not drank too excess is a long while, I have never taken any other illegal drugs and nope i have also never smoked.


If canabis was de-criminalised, then the argument is taken out off my hands, but at the moment its illegal, so there foreOliver should be punished, he knows what he was doing was illegal and so took that choice. I do agree that the punishment should fit the crime, community service in my view would be a fair cop.


If it was a 2nd or 3rd offence then more stricy punishment would be called for.


But if we are talking balls, i see you are brave hiding behind your real name. Its currently not illegal to wipe your arse, so I will continue to wipe mine.


You on the other hand should stop talking out off yours...lol

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If canabis was de-criminalised, then the argument is taken out off my hands, but at the moment its illegal, so there foreOliver should be punished, he knows what he was doing was illegal and so took that choice. I do agree that the punishment should fit the crime, community service in my view would be a fair cop.


Well it seems to me that it is more of a case then we have to expect that they will be punished because it is illegal and because it is a crime. But it would take a blind acceptance of the law for me to simply say that they should be punished because it is illegal.

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My own experience of this was a good friend of mine (though weve lost contact over the years). Having just completed his second degree , he began smoking a little bit here and there, with Uni mates , etc , and over time developed into quite a solid little habit. His job gradually suffered through inability to concentrate , lateness , showing up in an unfit state to work, etc etc. His girlfriend , who had just finished her BSC , and aside from being a truly good looking woman, was highly intelligent , walked out after another blazing row, the type of which had been escalating over the previous 12 months in line with his increased usage.


But you could say the same for alcohol though couldn't you? There's plenty more pissheads fucked their lives up by booze and you can buy that in Tesco's. Whether a particular drug is legal or illegal makes no difference at the end of the day.

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It is all down to the individual - I would say out of about ten mates at school who were into dabbling with a bit of light drugs like cannabis, about 2 of them fell by the wayside onto the hard drugs, however most people I know struggle with the lure of the booze!


It is booze that we all need to gain a reality check on, so many people I know still drink far too much, get too drunk etc and generally abuse alchohol - Booze is present in alsmost every social situation us adults go to - it is just so omni-present but people are getting terrified over a minority of people using illegal drugs. I don't understand it.


I grew up in the IOM where booze became a natural part of life from the age of 14 - and I could honestly say that until about 3 years ago I binge drank at least once a week since the age of about 16. I didnt realise the damage I could do mentally or physically just because it is so acceptable. Infact people think it is hilarious that you "got hammered" and you are often applauded for your behaviour! I know so many people who struggle with alcohol problems and I have seen what evil drink does to "normal" people, often in a short space of time - it is heartbreaking.


I treat alcholol with fear now I really do - I see it for what it is and see how seductive it can be - it really is, along with smoking, the biggest addiction out there - sod the illegal drugs, they are minor compared to booze and fags. It amazes me that the perception of this is still not out there.

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Good point.


Who does we trust to do the drug moderating though?


Why not just fixed a penalty and confiscate the crap?


Because that would be too easy. In UK judges have been given directives to cut their little homilys.


The Deemsters and other judiciary should do the same. Shut the fuck up and do you jobs - dish out the appropriate sentences.


I can almost picture one of them salivating as he dishes out a jolly good spanked bottom to some druggy or other.


A didactic deemster we can do without. Especially if one should be a 'little bit' less whiter than white than we would expect.


Edited to add:-

bozz, you're an old timer round these parts . . . member No.5 eh.

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