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Dumping At Sea


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What are the laws regarding dumping at sea, Plenty of waste material being dumped in the sea at the new airort site which has been creating a bit of a slick out at sea. My opinion is that only rock was to be dumped at this project.

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I am pretty sure that the island has signed up to the 'Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter 1972'.


However, you have to remember too that rock contains all sorts of stuff as well as stuff that clings to it (people even extract oil from rock). Though above all, smashing tonnes of it together it creates a lot of dust that also floats.


Also lots of crabs, slugs, snails, queenies, scallops, welly's, prams, shipwrecks, old cars, ex-wives/husbands wearing concrete shoes, seaweed, stones and sand, plus many hundreds of years worth of sewage - and other general bottom-of-the-sea creepy crawliness - will be either getting smashed to smithereens or disturbed as the rock smashes into the sea-bed - and lots of the remnants of all that will float up to the surface too.


What kind of a slick is it? I mean does it look really oily or is more a grey sort of sludge?

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What are the laws regarding dumping at sea, Plenty of waste material being dumped in the sea at the new airort site which has been creating a bit of a slick out at sea. My opinion is that only rock was to be dumped at this project.



Why not contact DLGE Environmental Health?

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It's probably just tiny bits of rock and soil from where there breaking it up hanging suspended in the Water. It will no doubt settle out to the sea bed over time leaving a very fine layer over a large area, in time this will be covered by many more fine layers of sediment from the bodies of dead sea creatures, the out flow from rivers etc. etc.


Next thing you Know there will be a whole new bed of Lime stone layed down.


Its recycling on a geological scale.



Next time it rains heavy go and look at where a river meets the sea, you'll see the same thing.

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No you don't do anything practical, that's not how it works. You come on manxforums and moan. It's a bit like Tynwald Question Time.


I think you might just find MF is quite an effective way of getting things looked into. Not everyone likes writing moaning letters or tripping through red tape to get to politicians - I used to write letters but it gets you nowhere, internet moaning to '50' faceless people is the way forward (changed number of viewers from 5000 to 500 then settled for a realistic 50)

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What are the laws regarding dumping at sea


Its frowned upon socially but I don't think that specifically there are any laws against having a dump in the sea if you're that desperate and there is no other option.

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