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[BBC News] Warning over fake Manx currency


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Oooooh. Likely that the IOM has criminals with money printing capabilities........not. Unless its some kid (quite likely with it only being fivers) with a nice Epson & they presented them at shops where they don't check the notes (do they still use the UV lights?). I like Graham Best he's a nice man, he is a good police man too, not one of those 'bossy types', he gets my vote for community policeman of the year :)

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actually its more sensible to make a dodgy fiver than a £20 note. No one pays close attention to a fiver anyway....


No-one pays close attention to £10-20 pound notes, Doesn't matter even if its Scottish, English or Manx, it doesn't get checked!


Not seen a single shop check notes anyway, perhaps they notice fakes when cashing up (or taking it to the bank).

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It's surprisingly easy to spot a fake without the detector pens and UV lamps anyway - they just feel wrong. Getting the feel right is something the counterfeiters find very difficult. Beating the pens and UV lamps is easy. I tried out a counterfeit detector pen in a shop and thought the concept was a good one - until I noticed that several of the shop forms and printable till slips were also made of "geniune" money paper!

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not that I have actually found any forgeries, but I always run a finger or thumb along the writing at the top (bank name) which is slightly raised, it wouldn't be the same with just a printed or copied note (I think !)

the UV lamp I used to have above the till drawer never spotted anything either, must have had a good bunch of customers :D

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stupid motherfucking manx.. u bastards shud b bombed to smithereens.. die manx.. u n ur stupid shitty island..

ur a bunch of hypocrit self loathing bastards all u manx shit heads... u wana have all the goodies of the world and still hate any1 frm outside the island.. fuck u bastards..

the islands gonna have a massive plague soon n then u goblin arse kissin bastards r gonna rot in ur stinky prison island ..

The return of Salford??? If it is I claim the forged £5 note as prize money!

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stupid motherfucking manx.. u bastards shud b bombed to smithereens.. die manx.. u n ur stupid shitty island..

ur a bunch of hypocrit self loathing bastards all u manx shit heads... u wana have all the goodies of the world and still hate any1 frm outside the island.. fuck u bastards..

the islands gonna have a massive plague soon n then u goblin arse kissin bastards r gonna rot in ur stinky prison island ..

The return of Salford??? If it is I claim the forged £5 note as prize money!


Either Salford or Barack Obama

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stupid motherfucking manx.. u bastards shud b bombed to smithereens.. die manx.. u n ur stupid shitty island..

ur a bunch of hypocrit self loathing bastards all u manx shit heads... u wana have all the goodies of the world and still hate any1 frm outside the island.. fuck u bastards..

the islands gonna have a massive plague soon n then u goblin arse kissin bastards r gonna rot in ur stinky prison island ..

The return of Salford??? If it is I claim the forged £5 note as prize money!


where was that post manshimajim..??


and anyway hate is an ugly word .. but he is a great advertisement for why some of us would like them to ALL go home..

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and anyway hate is an ugly word .. but he is a great advertisement for why some of us would like them to ALL go home..


The majority of people don't judge all others by one post. That's why I DON'T think ALL manx people, like my friends, colleagues, wife etc are complete dickheads based on reading your posts. There's always a rotten apple in the barrel.

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Oooooh. Likely that the IOM has criminals with money printing capabilities........not. Unless its some kid (quite likely with it only being fivers) with a nice Epson & they presented them at shops where they don't check the notes (do they still use the UV lights?). I like Graham Best he's a nice man, he is a good police man too, not one of those 'bossy types', he gets my vote for community policeman of the year :)


You can just see the dialogue at the international counterfeiting headquarters of Mr Big can't you.


"Boss I have this great way to make big money for our international crime syndicate"


"Really my devious underling what is that?"


"We're going to counterfeit a load of Manx fivers"


"You genius! Do they still do those crappy 50p notes? We can knock off those as well and make a bundle"


Yes - most likely kids with a colour photocopier.

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