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Turks And Caicos Islands Rescued.


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This should be making more than a few in the Key,s and one in particular in the LegCo become more than a little worried on the basis of gross incompetence if nothing else.




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Self-government in the Turks and Caicos Islands, a UK dependency, is set to be suspended after ministers were accused of incompetence and likely corruption.


The Foreign Office is threatening to suspend large parts of the Turks' constitution and hand power over to the governor of the West Indies territory.


So with the precedence set and the commencement of ‘hostilities’ against tax havens and money laundries how long before the UK Governor steps in?

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I think I agree that it is sensationalist nonesense - but for the Skeddans etc of this world it is consitutionally interesting.


For the Turks and Caicos Islands the consitutional powers are well laid out. For us its slightly less clear - but the UK government does claim to have these powers for dire emergencies - though it refuses to explain what that means.


Rog is gilding the lilly, but I do feel that a constitutional review needs to be undertaken - the sad fact for me is that I reckon that the result would be that the UK would be explicitely given the powers to take our democratic soverignty from us no matter what Tynwald says in disagreement.


I believe that is the reason there is no push to gain clairity in our constitutional position - it is too unpalletable to be shown the light of day - and our politicians prefer an endarkened sham soverignty than the clarity that the UK is our master - if only in extremetis. For then, what would be the altenative - full independence, but they know we need big brother to hand over the Common Trough Purse etc.


Our consititutional position is built on sand - but I very much doubt the current situation will undermine it - yet that assessment is always subject to change.



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Isn't the difference between the IOM and T&C that T&C was a colony given independance, whereas the IOM has always been a distinct jurisdiction, albeit at tiems something of a minor fiefdom? Not sure quite how the Act of Settlement (or whatever it was called) affects that, but I think many of the dependancies were created by a move away from colonialism rather than our case where we never were a colony, AFAIK.

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They are British Overseas Territories - self governing, but with the UK having final oversight and soverignty. The IOM is a Crown Dependency which is different.


But my point is that for all of Skeddan's dislike if push came to shove the IOM would be treated just like an Overseas Territory - technically that decision is the Queens - oh heck I can see the pages of comment just on that statement - but if, should we say, London decided that the IOM had become ungovernable then it has the power to stop Tynwald governing and give the power to Westminster.

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never in a million years will they send the army in .. and thats what they would have to do .. we have been invaded over the millenia dozens of times ..


they dont want 40000 manxies signing on the dole .. because none of us would work to pay taxes to them .. they already extort duty on everything we buy .. and thats money for nothing .. greedy bastards..

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never in a million years will they send the army in .. and thats what they would have to do .. we have been invaded over the millenia dozens of times ..


they dont want 40000 manxies signing on the dole .. because none of us would work to pay taxes to them .. they already extort duty on everything we buy .. and thats money for nothing .. greedy bastards..


I don't understand, what do you mean by sending the army in? Why would they have to do that?

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I think you mean razed to the ground.


I can just picture the Manx Resistance, the Foxdale partisans wielding kippers and hurling manx knobs at the SAS, cohorts of tractors driving slowly along the roads to impede the progress of the Challenger tanks whilst Peel P50s packed with semtex make suicide runs at the army checkpoints.


Or not.

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Its what some off us have been training for all out lives !


In all honesty though I just find it rather scary that Mr UK, could judt decide , you have had your fun and we are sick off you taking away all out business as an offshore center, we are the daddy now !!!


I just might not sleep tonight !



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I think you mean razed to the ground.


I can just picture the Manx Resistance, the Foxdale partisans wielding kippers and hurling manx knobs at the SAS, cohorts of tractors driving slowly along the roads to impede the progress of the Challenger tanks whilst Peel P50s packed with semtex make suicide runs at the army checkpoints.


Or not.


bollox we would just nail them with the school run .. tanks my arse.

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