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Turks And Caicos Islands Rescued.


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UK can step in if they consider there is not 'good governance' on the island i.e. corruption etc

Perish the thought.

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never in a million years will they send the army in .. and thats what they would have to do .. we have been invaded over the millenia dozens of times ..


they dont want 40000 manxies signing on the dole .. because none of us would work to pay taxes to them .. they already extort duty on everything we buy .. and thats money for nothing .. greedy bastards..


The IOM gets in excess of pds. 200,000,000 as a result of the disparity resulting from the Common Purse agreement


Checkout http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/budget.../budget0910.pdf page 38.


I can think of a hell of a lot better use for UK taxpayers money than subsidising a UK tax dodgers haven.

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never in a million years will they send the army in .. and thats what they would have to do .. we have been invaded over the millenia dozens of times ..





The Celts - Invaded and displaced the neolithic population.

The Vikings - Invaded and beat the Celts

The Parliamentarians - Invaded and beat the Royalists

The UK Crown - Blockaded the Island and beat the King of Mann

The Financiers - Invaded and beat the tourism industry and the Spud and Herring Brigade


The current score is, by my reckoning,


Locals 0 - 5 Invaders

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The IOM gets in excess of pds. 200,000,000 as a result of the disparity resulting from the Common Purse agreement


Checkout http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/budget.../budget0910.pdf page 38.


I can think of a hell of a lot better use for UK taxpayers money than subsidising a UK tax dodgers haven.

I wondered where you got the £200 million figure from - but then found it on Richard Murphy's "Tax Research UK Site". He calculates that the UK's VAT receipts are 6.5% of GDP while the IOM's are 18.8% of GDP. He claims the Islands should be the same as the UK's and any difference is a subsidy - approximately 12% of GDP equals roughly £200 million.


I have to point out that Mr Murphy's logic is extremely poor.


I've pointed this out to him on his blog, and I think I'll start a thread on it as well as its a bit buried in this thread on the Turks and Caicos Islands, but the nub of my argument is that he totally ignores imports when he calculates the VAT payments the IOM makes.


Gross Domestic Product only accounts for local Consumption, Investment, Government activity and Exports and removes all imports from its calculation. I = C + I + G + (X-M)


Let me give you a simple example. An Island consisting entirely of retirees who are simply running down their savings. No Investments, No Government spending, the economy consists of just the consumption of these people buying imports.


GDP = C + I + G +(X-M)


In this simplified example the GDP is ZERO - no economic activity occurs on the Island, it is all imported in - the consumption is netted out by identical imports. BUT the retirees have still spent lots of money buying the goods - and hence have to pay VAT.


This is collected and sent to the big common purse which then remits it back.


At todays VAT rate, the retirees get back 15% of their consumption (ignoring exempt items etc!) - but that is an infinite percentage of the GDP which is ZERO - there is no net economic activity on the Island.


Mr Murphy is totally incorrect in saying that VAT as a percentage of GDP cannot be more than VAT rate - that totally ignores imports.


Given this his calculations are extremely disengenuous. No Cars, few domestic goods, etc etc are produced on the Island, but the Manx people pay out VAT to import them.


The IOM does not track imports or exports - it calculates National Income using the income approach. Hence trying to use GDP to understand VAT reciepts is entirely pointless.


Given all this I have no idea if the IOM recieves a subsidy via the common purse - but I can definitely say the £200 million figure is entirely bogus.

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never in a million years will they send the army in .. and thats what they would have to do .. we have been invaded over the millenia dozens of times ..





The Celts - Invaded and displaced the neolithic population.

The Vikings - Invaded and beat the Celts

The Parliamentarians - Invaded and beat the Royalists

The UK Crown - Blockaded the Island and beat the King of Mann

The Financiers - Invaded and beat the tourism industry and the Spud and Herring Brigade


The current score is, by my reckoning,


Locals 0 - 5 Invaders



They never managed to get Peel though..... :rolleyes:

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us manxies unleashed our cunning plan to dispel the latest invasion of brits 20 years ago.


we decided to vote farmers and shopkeepers into government to cause financial meltdown and drive you all away .. plan working fine please keep spending the money tony.

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I can think of a hell of a lot better use for UK taxpayers money than subsidising a UK tax dodgers haven.


Yes, indeed, let's all share the delights of 'patromonio,' 'plus valia' and Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles that I'm sure you're so fond of in Tenerife. ;)

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I thought they were one of the "funny" ones? The UK sent troops to Belize out of constitutional obligation as Her Maj is Head of State. Not true of the T & C's I believe. I also remember a Digger colleague telling me that when Liz and Phil the Greek go to Oz her official title is "Queen of Australia" which I found quite bizarre.

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the aussies are all talk .. all that guff about removing her as head of state .. and then bottling it at the polls..


i like the aussies tho there crude enough to be my kinda people ..



Thats good as i am off there for 3 weeks on Saturday !!! :D

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