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Audi Pull Out Of Tt


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... and it ain't gonna get better this year with recession and all - no value, no deal I imagine. Cold, efficient German business sense....

Could be a *very* bad TT this year - skiing has taken a big hit, everyone's broke.

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In the light of recent events the course cars are very important. But that isn't the issue.


The fact is that Mylchreests were treated very badly last year, and now not content with that debacle on their conscience, the DTL have gone back on their original excuse for dumping them ('profile of the event, greater coverage, tender process blah blah blah') and turned down the best bid, for the previously stated reasons, on the say so of the minister. The only reason for this is the low voting turnout in his consituency, and Mylchreests are influential constituents of his!!


It stinks, it really does, when the interests of the elected official come before the interests of the island!


This is no slur on Mylchreests at all, they are victims as much as anyone of the corrupt political system of this island!

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Ve only vanted it for ze 100 year zelebration publicity - now you, se insel people, can have it back :)


Maybe Audi is simply cutting back, like most manufacturers - and they've probably seen (and figured) that naff all people came last year, and it ain't gonna get better this year with recession and all - no value, no deal I imagine. Cold, efficient German business sense....


Add in the Steam Pirates prices - I saw a quote from someone for 4 people on 2 bikes, coming Wednesday of practice week to Monday of race week, total cost £640! Just been onto the SR website, and one bike with rider & pillion is a minimum of £280 (max £292) for a return crossing, so there may've been upgrades in their costs. Even so....


Compare that to a solo rider going from the island to the UK over Easter (Thrusday to Tuesday) of £78 return. For two on a bike it would be between £98 and £146 return over the Easter period.


I don't think that they even bother with highwayman masks any more...

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First off, it would appear that Mychreests have quite a few dummy's to pick up from around their pram. What a miserable bastard of a face David's was all last year. Like one of them bloodhounds - all saggy and sad.


On the other hand maybe he had a reason for the long face. Years of loyal support and then kicked aside in favour of a brand that doesn't even have a dealership on the Island anymore.


Still, he's in good company. Plenty of locals have been thrust out of the way to polish up our world-class event.


But no need to worry. It's all for the long-term good, and tourists will come flocking back.


Or is it just that the flocking tourists will be back?


Or perhaps neither...


A fair reply. I suppose my coarse words towards Mr Mylcreest were uncalled for. Yep, I'd have had a long face too in your situation.



I do wonder though, how much our erstwhile Chief Executive from Tourism had to do with all this, and it is clear that her Minister at the time, Adrian Earnshaw, was backing her all the way in her endeavours to bring on a New TT, irrespective of whether or not he personally agreed with all the hatchetting that was going on eg sacking Clerk of the Course and Manx Motor Cycle Club etc.


This is part of the interview with Manx Radio from Jan last year, which gives a flavour of how the TT stalwarts were treated.



A new broom sweeps clean they say, and they also say don't chuck the baby out with the bathwater.*


So anyway, I apologise Mr Mylchreest. You had good reason to look as if you had been shafted silly by the people you had served for so long. I hope the family are well chuffed now though!


ps any chance of a spin round the course this TT?




*I am trying to express something without all the effing and blinding but it doesn't really work. Ah well, I tried.

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It seems that Ms Glover may have been responsible for all manner of ills, as borne out by the fact that she was "asked to take a month's leave" for health reasons by the chief secretary of the civil service and then "stepped down" from her post but was paid off with an undisclosed sum - which seems inconsistent with resignation per se.


Of course it's all dreadfully confidential, and most people will never know the extent of the cockups involved; MHK's will make sure of that lest we think badly of Ms Glover, and of course themselves.


Meanwhile in the apparent quest to tun the TT into a BSB clone the rottweilers continue to alienate everyone who ever cared about the TT.


Personally the only way I can imagine the handling of the event being this inept is that it's being done deliberately and is all part of a secret underhand Government conspiracy to put a stop to the TT before those nice people in the finance sector get so pissed off with having their business grind to a halt for two weeks every June (and again for MGP) that they clear off to Jersey or somewhere.


Reminder: The Manx and the Southern have already had their funding withdrawn, and now it's just a matter of time before they implode like Peel Kart Grand Prix, Manx Cycle Week and the Manx Classic. The rallyists had better watch out too, now they've come under the control of the same Task Force as the rest of them.


Top tip: more races to migrate to Billown, a nice short road course, cheaper to organise, easier to make safe for the full distance, certainly easier to provide marshaling coverage. Oh yes, and it doesn't clog up Douglas for a fortnight, so bankers can run around with bags of money more easily.


PS How many volunteer marshals can afford to come to this year's TT? Even with a discount on the Steam Packet?



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The rallyists had better watch out too, now they've come under the control of the same Task Force as the rest of them.


:angry: Indeed.


Although I shall avoid a rant here for fear of causing more problems for the event organisers.


It would appear that the mission statement is to legislate common sense out of motorsport.

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I find it a very poor decision by a member of the DTL to refuse a collector of MVs to parade them at the TT last year. 12 bikes from this private collection in Italy and most ex GP bikes, some never seen on the roads before and at least two of them descriibes as very exotic machines would have been a welcome attraction to the event.


As for the new event this year the electric bike race, the total costs of running this event will be paid for by the DTL

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I find it a very poor decision by a member of the DTL to refuse a collector of MVs to parade them at the TT last year. 12 bikes from this private collection in Italy and most ex GP bikes, some never seen on the roads before and at least two of them descriibes as very exotic machines would have been a welcome attraction to the event.


As for the new event this year the electric bike race, the total costs of running this event will be paid for by the DTL



As will the total cost of the TV production. No amount specified obviously, on account of it being so desperately confidential, but in the Pink Book, Page 31, you can find an amount for "TT Sponsorship and TV Contract " which nicely obscures the facts but totals £815,000. Something less that the total amount is what DTL will pay North One to produce the TV coverage this year, offset by whatever income is derived from sales of the programmes. Of course the bottom-line figures will be once again be confidential for reasons so good and important that we can't even tell you what they are, so that the people who are REALLY paying (Joe Taxpayer, as I live and breathe) will never know quite how much they've been stiffed for.


In a year when Alan Bell's budget was balanced on a £200,000 knife-edge, spending more than twice that in order to secure the services of the TV company which DIDN'T produce Formula One's race pictures for ITV, instead of taking an income from the existing (local) incumbent makes about as much sense as, ooh, let me see ... well, almost any government decision ever does.

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I have heard that the regs for the MGP have not been sent out as yet because funding has not been secured from the Government as previously mentioned!


What on earth are they playing at? I have serious doubts about the capability and integrity of these clowns to perform the task they were elected to do. They have played around with things that have generally run without a hitch for years, generating income and lifestyles for thousands of residents. When is someone going to stand up and say enough to them? How can unpaid volunteers organise themselves when the government is weak, corrupt and inept?

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