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Audi Pull Out Of Tt


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Hold on a sec, let me see if I've got this right.


The Gov. put the course cars out to tender for 2008 and Audi win. They pay the IOM Gov. loads of cash for the privilege of promoting their vehicles.


Audi choose not to renew for 2009.


Course cars go out to tender. Martin Quayle states there has been a lot of interest.


Course cars awarded to Mylchreests, who pay nothing.



As a taxpayer, I want some sort of return. Why the hell is it going to someone who believes they have some god given right just because they've been doing it before?


That's really fucked me off.

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Hold on a sec, let me see if I've got this right.


The Gov. put the course cars out to tender for 2008 and Audi win. They pay the IOM Gov. loads of cash for the privilege of promoting their vehicles.


Audi choose not to renew for 2009.


Course cars go out to tender. Martin Quayle states there has been a lot of interest.


Course cars awarded to Mylchreests, who pay nothing.



As a taxpayer, I want some sort of return. Why the hell is it going to someone who believes they have some god given right just because they've been doing it before?


That's really fucked me off.


I think that the "tender" thing might be a bit misleading. I do not believe there was a queue of car makers beating a path to our door in an effort to give the DTL money in exchange for providing course cars at the TT last year, and after reading the newspapers, watching TV etc, and observing that every major car maker in the world is on the brink of bankruptcy and living on government hand-outs, I also KNOW there isn't a queue this year either. Tendering only works if at least one person is interested and at the moment the car industry is only interested in survival.


Martin Quayle is a politician and is bound to say there is "a lot of interest" in his departmental project, even if it's all coming from within his own office. They all do that, all the time.


The fact that that Mylchreests are willing to take up the baton this year after being ruthlessly cast aside only last year goes to their credit.


The fact that they and so many other long-term supporters of the TT have been ruthlessly marginalised in the quest for an extra dollar only goes to the discredit of those responsible. It's a bit of a MF cliche, but the TT didn't survive 100 years by being mercenary or by turning itself into a circuit-racing clone.


My prediction: it won't last another 100 by trying to do it now. In fact it probably won't last 10.


The TT is still with us BECAUSE it is anachronistic, individual and just plain bloody DIFFERENT. Trying to sanitise its personality seems like a very daft way of carrying on.


edited: more bloody spilling

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On Manx Radio today, one of the direstors of Greenlight TV announced that they are to sponsor the Southern Hundred, he also said that the DTL are paying the full cost of North One TV to film the TT when in the Past Greenlight funded the filming themselves and the DTL were paid a % of all revenues from the sale of DVDs and TV Broadcasting rights, He also said that the moneys given to North One for this years event had a lot of 0000000000000000s before the full stop,

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Hold on a sec, let me see if I've got this right.


The Gov. put the course cars out to tender for 2008 and Audi win. They pay the IOM Gov. loads of cash for the privilege of promoting their vehicles.


Audi choose not to renew for 2009.


Course cars go out to tender. Martin Quayle states there has been a lot of interest.


Course cars awarded to Mylchreests, who pay nothing.



As a taxpayer, I want some sort of return. Why the hell is it going to someone who believes they have some god given right just because they've been doing it before?


That's really fucked me off.


As mentioned there was an offer prefered by the department, however the minister seemed concerned that he may lose a huge percentage of votes in his constituency if his constituent lost the bid. (Approx 6 votes)

The decision was apparently his alone!

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The rallyists had better watch out too, now they've come under the control of the same Task Force as the rest of them.


:angry: Indeed.


Although I shall avoid a rant here for fear of causing more problems for the event organisers.


It would appear that the mission statement is to legislate common sense out of motorsport.


have to agree totaly on that comment


The fact that that Mylchreests are willing to take up the baton this year after being ruthlessly cast aside only last year goes to their credit.


well not really at all, u think hes doing it for the gd of TT, is he shit, he knows its gd advertiseing, and that is the only reason hes doing it,

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The rallyists had better watch out too, now they've come under the control of the same Task Force as the rest of them.


:angry: Indeed.


Although I shall avoid a rant here for fear of causing more problems for the event organisers.


It would appear that the mission statement is to legislate common sense out of motorsport.


have to agree totaly on that comment


The fact that that Mylchreests are willing to take up the baton this year after being ruthlessly cast aside only last year goes to their credit.


well not really at all, u think hes doing it for the gd of TT, is he shit, he knows its gd advertiseing, and that is the only reason hes doing it,



Free advertising and a clear road to play with his cars on. No wonder he is happy to do it again.

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I feel sorry for Paul Phillips,last year he was swanning around in a posh audi,wonder what Mr Mylchreest will offer him....


He could always use one of those posh Buses the DTL have bought. good way of promoting the spending they make. Better still he could always borrow Martin Quayles private Bus :o

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I feel sorry for Paul Phillips,last year he was swanning around in a posh audi,wonder what Mr Mylchreest will offer him....


He could always use one of those posh Buses the DTL have bought. good way of promoting the spending they make. Better still he could always borrow Martin Quayles private Bus :o


Oh no, that only comes out on very special occasions.

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