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The Wave - New Project For Old Summerland Site


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the stumbling block is still Strathallen Road and the properties on top of the rock face, they still can't demolish the last of the old building yet so how are they going to build anything new there (or are they just going to hide the remains ?)


Maybe when GFL sells Milwall FC land he will have some more funds available

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God some people love to moan dont they....its hardly a wonder people are reluctant to stick their heads above the parapet.

You need to learn the difference between moaning and being practical. I am massively in favor of leisure developments on the island (even if this one is more of a consolidation \ improvement of existing or recently departed facilities). Heck this should only be the start we still need a replacement for some of the previous Summerland's facilities and those lost from the Crescent \ Venue shutting. However they must be practical to use and well planned, something which seems beyond most (including all the MHKs) on the island.


This facility is desperately needed. However so are others. Certain land on the island should be zoned exclusively for leisure use and those developers putting in for planning permission for large blocks of flats should only be granted permission unless they contribute some of these leisure facilities.


My one major misgiving about this facility though is that as pointed out by another poster, is this not just a ploy to shut the existing facilities in order to get planning permission to build flats on the existing sites with no guarantee that this will ever get built. It is imperative that the Sefton group is made aware that this has to come first before they get permission for anything else.

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GFL is for whatever reason is just biulding up a big land bank in douglas and around the island as a whole ..


someone pointed out that 37 mill worth of land and properties for a 2 mill deposit/s .. and the income from parking alone is more than servicing the loans.


biuld why the hell should he biuld.


he has the old post office site aswell .. infact with his wealth he could probably finance deposits to own most of douglas and he sure aint no plum..


when the housing market revives and he is still alive then and only then will you see movement on his plots the rest are just public relations exercises from a shrewd operator...


and also people like GFL have no trouble finding finance whatever the economic climate.

Edited by manxman2
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I was lucky to be a presentation for the Wave. Looks amazing.



Oh God what do they teach on architecture courses these days?


It's the same old design every time whether it's Tesco's, a swmming pool, or a sports centre. Basically a big shed with a wavy roof.

Edited by Moghrey Mie
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It certainly fits in with the current design standards, probably worthwhile for registration as a fine example of 21st century c**p. Is there no imagination in architecture.


From memory parking at Summerland was a nightmare and this will be no better, do they think people will walk there. As for the land, better than cash in the bank (or under your bed Mr Horton) although why the likes of Hemmings and GFL are holding back on land and development beats me, they can't have that long on this mortal coil that they will really gain any benefits.

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I was lucky to be a presentation for the Wave. Looks amazing.



Oh God what to they teach on architecture courses these days?


It's the same old design every time whether it's Tesco's, a swmming pool, or a sports centre. Basically a big shed with a wavy roof.


They teach people not to design things that look like Summerland - we need to remember what was there before!! ;)


Just be glad it's not the usual bland Manx render and whitewash that looks like sh*te after its first winter (the Court House for example or Piccadilly Apartments up the Summerland end of the prom).

Edited by bishbashbosh
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I really hope it is, as it does look really good.


Just what the IOM and Douglas needs.



"Looks really good' in what way?



It has all the facilities I would like to see, the design its modern and incorporates alternative energy sources, the bigest thing is it looks 1,000,000 times better than whats there now !!



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I just really want to see this go through and will give it my full support in Council. Its a great idea and as a parent, the facility will be a godsend.


Just the sort of nonsense you'd expect from a town councillor who cannot see through this little charade. It is never ever going to happen - you'd have to be stark staring bonkers to even consider this £30m project which cannot possibly make money or provide a return on investment at any point in the next 20 years.


Its a typical Sefton Group development - get plot, stick sign up saying whats going to go there, get planning, sell plot or sell project on. No brick will ever get laid on this site so stop fooling yourselves.

Edited by oldmanxfella
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