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Horse Tram Nappies


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Why is the idea good or even necessary? We have had some hogwash about saving Douglas ratepayers £20K a year, but how does that cost arise? Horse shit is not the dangerous, offensive stuff that dog poo is. In fact, the rose gardens opposite Falcon Glen were regularly mounded in the stuff and it did produce fantastic roses.


Isn't it time that someone stopped the health and safety, sterile world shoite (pardon the pun) treadmill that we are on at the moment?


How about Douglas Corpie taking the stance - we have horse trams, which necessarily involves the use of live horses who, through their digestive system, evacuate on the prom between the tram lines. As such, these poos are unlikely to be driven all over the prom. Similarly, the size of the piles is such that only a myopic scatologist would manage to inadvertantly step in one. I even have a slogan; 'Shit Happens'.


Please can Douglas Corpie be in the vanguard of a return to sane, realistic values which recognises that not everything is foreseeable and preventable by 'them', and that the ordinary man on the Douglas horse drawn omnibus must take responsibility for his own safety and well being.


Rant fecking well over.

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this is a hilarious topic.............how utterly stupid f the government cannot manage to sort out huge matters...........however a dolop of chewed up grass is headline fuking news. these nappies require no debate they use them all over the wrld for funeral horses or horse drawn taxis................iv personally seen them in portugal...........why ogh why are peopel wasting there time on this matter put them on and end of story.

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Mechanical Horses!


Sort of Terminator style with four legs and tails added.

Nuclear power packs.


No smelly poo.


Be a great tourist draw until someone reprogrammes them..........

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Mechanical Horses!


Sort of Terminator style with four legs and tails added.

Nuclear power packs.


No smelly poo.


Be a great tourist draw until someone reprogrammes them..........


Instead of 'I'll be back' it could be 'bag my cack'

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It has cost Douglas Corpy £1980-00 to bring a man in from the UK for a day to instruct the horse tram staff on how to fit the nappies


....................and they better hadnt be intending on using pampers either!!!, i am led to believe that Nobles Hospital saved £14,000 last year by replacing pampers with cotton nappies !!!!! How about that! What a revelation!!

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i suppose depending on wind direction that as a passenger you will now get to smell horse shit for the length of the prom instead of just where it dumps it. on the plus side it will mask the stench from the iris vents for you though.

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i suppose depending on wind direction that as a passenger you will now get to smell horse shit for the length of the prom instead of just where it dumps it. on the plus side it will mask the stench from the iris vents for you though.



Am I understanding this correctly - they've banned people from walking dogs on Douglas beach?



or when it rain really heavy, as it often does over her, it will become a rather putrid mush...

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Did this initiative fizzle out or are the contraptions ineffective? Only the prom is knee deep in horse shit at the moment. (In places). And I didn't even see a tram.


Lol keyboarder. IKWYM.


I spotted the corpy streetsweeper cleaning the tracks on Wed to get rid of a load of horses eggs. I guess they shoulda got cosifit elasticated nappies

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