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Steam Packet Smoking Ban


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Are you quite sure then that others do not breathe in your smoke when you travel on the seacat and smoke at the back of the boat?

Little chance - in a 40mph gust, fags only last 3 mins - plus you don't even get much chance to see what you exhale or what burns of the actual cigarette - it's hundreds of metres away from you in a flash.

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Ahh but what happens if there is a seagull following the boat? That seagull could breathe in, catch the boat, then breathe out once on deck, then down wind from the seagull an unsuspecting non-smoker would be hit by second-hand seagull smoke at 40 mph.

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Alright Declan, lets do this!


That's a correct but spurious argument though isn't it?

You really shouldn't try to use big words that you don't understand. 'Spurious' (rhymes with curious/ adjective 1 false or fake. 2 (of reasoning) apparently but not actually correct. Spuriously adverb. (Oxford English dictionary)


That's a correct but [insert adjective here (a false) (a fake) (apparently but not actually correct)] argument though isn't it?


So, it's a correct but not correct argument?


Did you deliberately miss the point I was making?

Were you deliberately concealing the point you were making?


When I mentioned that all the issues have been discussed I meant that we've discussed pricing, routes, and the service of the Steam Packet, all of which is ultimately, their choice, but we still discuss them. So you going "...it's their choice...hahaha...it's their choice...hahaha...it's their choice...hahaha...it's their choice...hahaha...it's their choice...hahaha..." like a penny automaton in a seaside arcade is spurious. But carry on you seem to be enjoying yourself.

I don't think I've actually said "it's their choice...hahaha" If you were literate enough to be able to read the whole thread, you would have discovered that I have clearly stated that the Steam Packet have the right to ban smoking on their vessels. Furthermore, I have given reasons why they might wish to ban smoking on their vessels.


You have not demonstrated the point you were trying to make but you have successfully shown how challenged you actually are.

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Ahh but what happens if there is a seagull following the boat? That seagull could breathe in, catch the boat, then breathe out once on deck, then down wind from the seagull an unsuspecting non-smoker would be hit by second-hand seagull smoke at 40 mph.


That's too disturbing a thought for the non-smokers to even consider. Haha. :lol:

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I'd agree it's pointless and vindictive. Woodford gets promoted to honourary 'petty officer' IMO for this one.


There's more to this than meets the eye, but I'm keeping quiet for the moment as to what I know.


LOLZ go on then reveal your super-secret MI5 sources!


It's so funny watching you collection of drug addicts squirming on your uncomfortable little stakes, why stop pretending you're anything other than slaves to the drug? Junkies, desperadoes, smoke-billowing human instances of dependence and desperation, all of humanity's weaknesses conveniently bundled up into one little package of waste smoke and toxic substances.


The only difference between you and the smackheads up at Jurby nick is which side of the police the law of the land (conveniently) places you in.


Smoke another one for me, assface!

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The cross channel fast craft banned smoking on their vessels because of the risk of fire and for the safety of the smoker and other passengers, we'll, that's what the french steward dude told me when he asked me to put my ciggie out.

I've since given up so it doesn't make any difference to me, but if people want to smoke that's their choice and I certainly wouldn't object to them doing it.

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Well after reading about 7 pages on this, I have come to the followign conclusiions.


Woodward is a cock.


Steam Packet have gone from being thieving scumbag pirates, to thieving persecuting scumbag pirates.


John Faragher is the poster boy for the Nanny State.


And WildDog's avatar is hypnotic.

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in a 40mph gust, fags only last 3 mins - plus you don't even get much chance to see what you exhale or what burns of the actual cigarette - it's hundreds of metres away from you in a flash.


Come on, how many smokers stand by the railings to have a gasp? Most of them cling to the sheltered areas, where the smoke, ash, and butts all swirl round relentlessly.


Away from the side railings, there are too many areas where there is another deck below, where the butts can/will drop, causing potential fire hazards.


On some ships, there are constant warnings to smokers that if they throw their butts over the side, they could be drawn back onto the ship, and there is a (justified) paranoia about fire.

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in a 40mph gust, fags only last 3 mins - plus you don't even get much chance to see what you exhale or what burns of the actual cigarette - it's hundreds of metres away from you in a flash.


Come on, how many smokers stand by the railings to have a gasp? Most of them cling to the sheltered areas, where the smoke, ash, and butts all swirl round relentlessly.


Away from the side railings, there are too many areas where there is another deck below, where the butts can/will drop, causing potential fire hazards.


On some ships, there are constant warnings to smokers that if they throw their butts over the side, they could be drawn back onto the ship, and there is a (justified) paranoia about fire.


There is more chance of a butt landing by a car which has a fuel leak on the OPEN deck of the Ben than there is of a butt managing to 'swirl' its way down the corridor, through a set of fire doors and into the bar of the Cat, and someone not coughing in the way none smokers do when they detect even a single particle of ciggarete smoke.


Even if that WAS the reason, there is no reason not to errect a smokers shelter on the upper deck and limit smoking to that. Oh wait, that would require some thought and consideration t o those of us who are helping keep the country's economy in place, you do realise that while smoking related illnesses cost the UK Government 1.8bill pounds a year, the revenue from smoking brings in over 10billion?


If our Government had any sort of balls, they would opt out of the common purse agreement, tell blair to go fuck himself, tell Woodward to fuck off as well, and buy the SP with the revenue from smoking ;)


Face it, they are being cocks.

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