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Steam Packet Smoking Ban


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I did answer you, maybe you missed it:
Follow your own logic before you dissapear up your own arse with it - you're actually saying the Steam Racket is simply being intolerant i.e. it has the 'right' to allow smoking in the open air on deck, but instead that they are using their 'right' to be intolerant and alienate 25% of their customers, when it has no effect on the other 75% in terms of risk and exposure.


The Steam Packet were tolerant to smokers smoking on open deck previously. Now they, like many other companies, have changed their opinion and no longer wish to tolerate people smoking on their property. That might not be anything to do with smoke or passive smoking or non-smokers. It could purely be the fact that cigarette butts are left on the deck, stubbed out on their paint work or cause drains to get clogged. The simple fact is that they might wish to no longer allow arrogant idiots like you to continue using their property as their own personal dumping ground.


Nope, didn't miss it.


Just what is it you actually smoke?


That was your answer.


You can't counter the fact that a business has the legal and legitimate right to prevent people from smoking on or in their property.


End off.

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I did answer you, maybe you missed it:
Follow your own logic before you dissapear up your own arse with it - you're actually saying the Steam Racket is simply being intolerant i.e. it has the 'right' to allow smoking in the open air on deck, but instead that they are using their 'right' to be intolerant and alienate 25% of their customers, when it has no effect on the other 75% in terms of risk and exposure.


The Steam Packet were tolerant to smokers smoking on open deck previously. Now they, like many other companies, have changed their opinion and no longer wish to tolerate people smoking on their property. That might not be anything to do with smoke or passive smoking or non-smokers. It could purely be the fact that cigarette butts are left on the deck, stubbed out on their paint work or cause drains to get clogged. The simple fact is that they might wish to no longer allow arrogant idiots like you to continue using their property as their own personal dumping ground.


Nope, didn't miss it.


Just what is it you actually smoke?


That was your answer.


You can't counter the fact that a business has the legal and legitimate right to prevent people from smoking on or in their property.


End off.


here here

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Im usually just browse the forums and don't post, but in all fairness if you can't go without a smoke for 3 or so hours then it's your own damn fault for becoming addicted in the first place. Passive smoking is a proven health issue, so either smoke in your house so your only affecting yourself, or, get some will power.

It's not about not having one for three hours. It's about people like you who have no concept of risk and risk probability about the effects of people smoking in the open air, your intolerance, and no regards for the liberties of others.


Just becuase you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. The main difference between cigarette smoke and a suburu is that you can see the shit coming out of a cigarette, and (until just now) couldn't see the shit polluting the street that had just come out of a suburu.


Actually most of the smoke from a cig you can't actually see, and also, staying on the point, im all for everyone having liberties, thats why they can smoke them at home. Your correct, the statistics and such are very low, but the correlation is there, therefore, its affecting the health of other's.


Their boat their choice, its not a public right.

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Actually most of the smoke from a cig you can't actually see, and also, staying on the point, im all for everyone having liberties, thats why they can smoke them at home. Your correct, the statistics and such are very low, but the correlation is there, therefore, its affecting the health of other's.


Their boat their choice, its not a public right.


Your Subaru is affecting the health of others. Perhaps you should only be allowed to start it up in your own home.

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You make me sad you anti-smokers, you hide behind actions without analysing them, mainly to justify your own intolerance and lack of understanding of the risk of the world around you. Little wonder the UK/IOM is subject to all this legislation against civil liberties (smoking, ID cards, anti-terrorism etc. etc.) - simply because of the lack of understanding of risk probability and all catering for the highly improbable and the control freaks.


Now you are trying to move the debate to cover smoking in the open air, using pseudo-scientific fear mongering.


You're just fascists - ignorant, innumerate, selfish bullies and control freaks, plain and simple, and you can bluster your way around the arguments as much as you like, but it won't change that fact.


Let's hope there is someone left to fight for you when you finally realise that you have handed total control of your lives over to the all intolerant-state, and finally realise what you have given away through fear and ignorance. You don't deserve a liberal democracy, and make a mockery of the people that fought and died to create it. You would have all done well in Eastern Europe in the 60s/70s/80s - the same Eastern Europe we used to point guns at then.

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You make me sad you anti-smokers, you hide behind actions without analysing them, mainly to justify your own intolerance and lack of understanding of the risk of the world around you. Little wonder the UK/IOM is subject to all this legislation against civil liberties (smoking, ID cards, anti-terrorism etc. etc.) - simply because of the lack of understanding of risk probability and all catering for the highly improbable and the control freaks.


Now you are trying to move the debate to cover smoking in the open air, using pseudo-scientific fear mongering.


You're just fascists - ignorant, innumerate, selfish bullies and control freaks, plain and simple, and you can bluster your way around the arguments as much as you like, but it won't change that fact.


Let's hope there is someone left to fight for you when you finally realise that you have handed total control of your lives over to the all intolerant-state, and finally realise what you have given away through fear and ignorance. You don't deserve a liberal democracy, and make a mockery of the people that fought and died to create it. You would have all done well in Eastern Europe in the 60s/70s/80s - the same Eastern Europe we used to point guns at then.



FFS Albert, get a grip man.

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I don't smoke and I do think that "anti-smokers" (to adopt Albert's terminology) are a bunch of whingeing crybabies who simply WILL NOT TOLERATE a world where everything isn't EXACTLY HOW THEY WANT IT. It really isn't a big deal to be out on deck with someone who is smoking, you big Jessies.

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You make me sad you anti-smokers, you hide behind actions without analysing them, mainly to justify your own intolerance and lack of understanding of the risk of the world around you. Little wonder the UK/IOM is subject to all this legislation against civil liberties (smoking, ID cards, anti-terrorism etc. etc.) - simply because of the lack of understanding of risk probability and all catering for the highly improbable and the control freaks.


Now you are trying to move the debate to cover smoking in the open air, using pseudo-scientific fear mongering.


You're just fascists - ignorant, innumerate, selfish bullies and control freaks, plain and simple, and you can bluster your way around the arguments as much as you like, but it won't change that fact.


Let's hope there is someone left to fight for you when you finally realise that you have handed total control of your lives over to the all intolerant-state, and finally realise what you have given away through fear and ignorance. You don't deserve a liberal democracy, and make a mockery of the people that fought and died to create it. You would have all done well in Eastern Europe in the 60s/70s/80s - the same Eastern Europe we used to point guns at then.



FFS Albert, get a grip man.

I have got a grip thanks...are you really telling me that you see no evidence that such a path has been followed over the last 10 years, led by the UK?


FYI, I am fundamentally a Liberal Democrat, I know what I believe in, stand-for, and would fight for. I am consistent, principled and tolerant in my beliefs - e.g. even if I don't believe that certain activities are correct - an example would be allowing homosexuals in the forces - and maybe smoking in the open air if I was a non smoker- I would still fight to defend their rights.


Unlike you John, I stick to those principles and I don't cherry pick. Moreover, I see the seriousness of where people with your attitude are 'leading' us.

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