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Parents Who Cant Park.......


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About fucking time they did something about this, the amount of times I've either:


a) had to watch for the little dears running out between the cars that are parked up, thus taking there lives in there own hands.




b) had some knob head pull out in front of me and not indicate at all, " I'm a parent parking illegaly so fuck off ".



I wish they'd do something about the stupid fucks that park outside the nurserys down the road also, there even worse!!!!!!


And if you are one of those stupid shits...........the thing sticking out by the steering wheel, with the L & R arrows are called indicators.....fucking use them or even one better, read the high way code.

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I know we have no swear filter, but is this level of language entirely necessary? I'm pretty sure you could have got your point across just as effectively without all that.

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I'm not even going to google that one. Was he the gay self publicist by any chance?


The ex " SAS " solider, who was never a in the SAS but was, but wasnt, but was, but wasnt, but was, but wasnt.


Insert pic of Vicky Pollard.


And also hosted such TV shows as " The Chris Kenna Show "........." NangThingz " and lets not for get the show that " took the UK by storm "...." Britains Karaoke ".

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I know we have no swear filter, but is this level of language entirely necessary? I'm pretty sure you could have got your point across just as effectively without all that.


I have finger tourettes, crap, shit.........see.

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Any link between parents who can't drive, and 4x4 owners who can't drive?


You are correct, the majority of the cars down there are sparkling clean 4X4's.



Well they need a 4x4 because it’s so much easier to crash up the curbs.



with slightly un-alligned wheels.....lol

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