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Kate Hoey Mp

Moghrey Mie

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Actually Pat, they DO run lots of that stuff. Sure they don't run the NHS but they sure as hell have to administer their hospitals. Sure they don't collect central taxes but they run their "Community Charge" which is pretty much the same. They will also run something like 250 schools, the County Police Force (funded by the ratepayer), refuse, public transport, roads etc etc etc.


So actually, you're talking through your rectum.


I also see no point in replacing Mr Terribly Mediocre MHK with Mr Dreadfully Mediocre MHK and in any event who with any talent would want to be associated with that shower and their appalling reputation? Face it, voter apathy is all about being completely powerless to bring about beneficial change.

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Also she said she has 70,000 constituents. It makes you wonder why we need 24 MHKs to look after the affairs of 80,000 people here.


There are loads of Hoey's living over here. Is that the main reason for her interest in the Isle of Man?

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Possibly writing at cross purposes here, NHS isn't run by local councils, nor do they administer hospitals within the NHS.

Community Charge otherwise known as the 'Poll Tax' replaced the rates. Now replaced by 'Council Tax' in 1993. Nothing like central taxes at all. The County Council runs the police force in that county, centrally controlled and financed. County Councils run the schools, centrally financed. Public transport is all private now, except some tram systems and small community bus operations. Roads are run by the 'Highways Agency'.

Planning is a local council function as is refuse collection and parks and gardens.

Exactly how long have you been out of the country?(England I mean)

Also, the rectum is final section of the large intestine, it terminates at the anus.

Come off it Pat. For example the only police force not financed by the county council is the Met. The rest are financed by the "Community Charge"/ "Council tax" / "Poll Tax" / "Whatever Tax" , argue semantics as much as you like but at the end of the day the council still runs the Boys in Blue because they finance them.


You ask "How is a national government a local council?". Actually it's very simple. It's all about budget and local population. By the way you should be VERY careful about banging on about an IOM "National Government". You have to find the 650 UK MP's out of a 62+ million population - about one in every 95,000 - to run their "National Government". Well, I would have to agree that out of that every 95K UK citizens you're bound to have some VERY talented individuals willing to take the task on.


And then there's Mannin. According to you the electorate has to find 24 very highly talented individuals to run the same "National Government" out of a pool of only 70K. So compared to the UK's find one motivated, talented individual from every ninety-five thousand your odds are find one motivated, talented individual from every three thousand i.e. IF IT WAS WESTMINSTER MANNIN COULDN'T RETURN A SINGLE MP WORTH ANYTHING! And you wonder why Tinpotwald are crap. Dear me...

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I have less problem with the representation in the Keys than I do with the whole number of people involved in the political process, take the constituency of Rushen, which covers four local authority areas


Port Erin = 3,575 people, 9 commissioners

Rushen Parish = 1591 people, 5 commissioners

PSM = 1,913 people, 9 commissioners

Arbory = 1,723 people, 5 commissioners


Total = 8,802 people have 28 commissioners, the vast majority of whom were elected uncontested (there was a contested bye-election in Port Erin after they failed to get enough candidates first time, so one person can claim to have a mandate.) Each of course, has to have a town or parish clark, each has to have its own offices, websites, meeting rooms, bin lorry etc.


So 28 commissioners + 3 mhks + 1 President of Tynwald + 1 Board of education member = 1 politician for every 267 people


However, since about 1415 are too young to vote, so that makes 1 politician for every 224 electors. (not counting the two former chief ministers and two ex-ministers we have kicking about)


And are we better for all this? Port Erin seems to be falling apart before our eyes, and Port St. Mary Town Hall seems condemned and they have astronomical rates. Still they put up a few posters.

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I'll run with that. But the point still stands about the make up of the IOM's elected representatives at all levels and the pool of "talent" they have to be drawn from i.e. there is a definite paucity of ability.


And it's all so blatantly top-heavy a few decent project teams would save millions because the IOM suffers from the all too familiar problem:


"Over-managed and Under-led"

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1 politician for every 267 people

Sometimes it feels like 1 person for every 267 politicians!!!

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