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When Rules Go Bad...


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Employment minister Tony McNulty has said he did nothing wrong by claiming second-home expenses on a London house where his parents live.


He received allowances worth thousands of pounds for the property in his Harrow East constituency, which is eight miles from his main home.


He added that Mr McNulty had complied with the rules on second homes for MPs from outside inner London.


That would suggest to me that the rules are wrong.

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just typical of todays politicians .. he hasnt done anything wrong he says ..


sees it as his right to claim anything within the rules no matter how spurious the claim.


and they wonder why englands so fucked up .. everyone is just out for themselves and never to blame from the very TOP it has filtered all the way down.

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just typical of todays politicians .. he hasnt done anything wrong he says ..


sees it as his right to claim anything within the rules no matter how spurious the claim.


and they wonder why englands so fucked up .. everyone is just out for themselves and never to blame from the very TOP it has filtered all the way down.


Largely correct, but if we are talking about Labour politicians, the corruption has filtered UP.



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This isn't a new thing, it's been going on since they started being allowed claims. These people have more front than the bus depot, they're the worst kind of 'dole scroungers' & non-working classes, some rich, none poor. £24K for housing, on top of a salary/pension and with other allowances freely claimable a career in politics is lucrative - look at all the scrounging scum the IOM has elected (past tense ofc....)


I've been 'happy with my lot' for as long as I can remember, it's great, I do not suffer jealousy (unless it is over a Shri concert I didn't go to) nor do I ever want for material items, I nicked this life style from my friend whom is also 'happy with his lot'. We were only saying the other day how society is changing a little, it's not cool to be mega rich anymore, people KNOW you didn't get mega rich by being nice. The world will be fine when people sort out their greed issues.

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