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Road Closed At Crosby Again

Tempus Fugit

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All I'm saying is that I'm glad to see one less 4x4 on our roads.


And what is a 'logical logic'?



Is it just 4x4s or do you harbour resentment against any vehicle more expensive than yours ?



I think its mainly people with Toyota crew cabs and extravagant facial hair. I think he's worried that they are the Manx Taliban who are out to take over his village and wire it with lobster pots so he can't escape.

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It is actually NOT illegal to park across someone's driveway IF there is no car parked ON the driveway (i.e empty) because at the point in time the driveway is not in use, and therefore you are not blocking a vehicle in.


Being illegal to park in front of a lowered kerb is a myth.

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Hmmm glad you said that Cheesy.

My car is always in the garage at the top of my driveway.

The missus parks on the driveway and leaves for work before I do.

This leaves the driveway apparently empty and theres been a few 'close' parkers when I've gone to get the car out to go to work...

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Just to point out that it is illegal to park within 7 meters of a junction for any reason or tp park opposite a junction if it impares free flow of traffic in all available directions, it is also illegal to park on a way that obstructs a driveway


not that it matters,


we asked a couple if thay would mind parking back away from the halt sign up the rd from us, as its a single track rd and blind corner turning onto it, we asked nicely, explained why, did it work did it hell, had the cops out a few times cause it was that dangours,and i nearly been hit loads of time turning up the rd because of cars comeing down the other way, thay said that there was nowt thay could do in the end,


but luck would have it, somebody wrote of there car about 3 months after, (im sure i warned them that is what was going to happin really did do a nice job of opening up the whole side of the car) thay dont park there new car there now, funny that aint it, no helping some ppl :rolleyes:

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There was a 4x4 on its roof


Good. That's one less (rich man with a short cock's) penis extension on our roads.



If I wasn't afraid you'd actually try, I'd ask you to explain the logic behind that, but since there can't possibly be any (not logical logic anyway) I'm afraid I'll have to ask another question instead. Are you really so ignorant and bigoted you think all that tosh is (A) rational and (B) acceptable, or have I missed a really clever joke?


TBH I don't understand your post and I don't know what you're getting upset about. All I'm saying is that I'm glad to see one less 4x4 on our roads.


And what is a 'logical logic'?



See, this is the bit I'm afraid of.


A) What's wrong the 4x4's?

B) How does owning one make you rich?

C) How does it give you a short cock's?

D) What have they got to do with penis extensions?

E) Please explain logically - the kind of locgic that actually IS logic, not just bile, ie logical logic.

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It's not just 4 x 4's Jonny, it's those idiots who drive red sports cars, or big gas guzzling saloons. In fact anything that is outside of the range of garden sheds that people like Terminator usually drive.

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There was a 4x4 on its roof


Good. That's one less (rich man with a short cock's) penis extension on our roads.



Just to further expose your jumping to conclusions, the driver was an elderly woman.


that'll be somebody over 50 then ? :P



having been held up slightly at Higher Foxdale whilst a double decker got round the corner, my return trip from KM was a delight, up over Druidale and Injebreck, met one car all the way back :D

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A road in the Isle of Man was closed for about five hours after an accident.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7958606.stm



So Crosby must have been busy yesterday, we had a 4x4 turn over first, then a piccaso turned over, then old newsbot says the road was closed for 5 hours when xsara turned over.

Could it be the Purple Helmets were doing a new routine ! :lol:

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