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Changing The Lyrics?


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How about :


I hear the distant thunder-hum Maryland!

The Old Line's bugle, fife, and drum Maryland!

She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb

Huzza! She out bowls the Special Olympian scum!

She breathes! She burns! She'll come! She'll come!

Maryland! My Maryland!


The President will love it, lol,lol... ; ))

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Damn nice cookies though





I suspose they're just called 'cookies' where you are. Much the same as Brussel Sprouts are called 'sprouts' in Brussels.


(Eh? WTF is a sprout, says C)

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It's not really about rewriting history, Albert, it's about the present. Does Maryland still view it's Northern neighbours as scum, does it think of Lincoln as a despot today? This is about how Maryland wishes to celebrate itself today.

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