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The Chinese Government Says This Video Is A Lie.


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Chinahand? I assume you have a really good understanding of Chinese issues, I just wanted to know how much 'support' does the government and communist party have in China?

I would say quite a lot when forced at gun point driven home by oppression and fear

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Chinahand? I assume you have a really good understanding of Chinese issues, I just wanted to know how much 'support' does the government and communist party have in China?

I can't give you a very simple answer to this question.


A few points - the Chinese are a very nationalistic people. They are very proud of their culture and history and believe that they have been subject to vast injustices by the west. This is not entirely unjustified given the history of colonialism. They also are extremely indoctrinated in nationalism by the CCP - which regularly talks about outsiders undermining China and being jealous of its growing power and prosperity.


Democracy is associated with anarchy and mass action a la the cultural revolution - and very few few Chinese want to go back to those days. The CCP very successfully paints democracy and political opposition as a destabilizing issue - encouraging protest and division.


This links in to the fact that the Chinese are very aware of the fragility of their society and the risks of collapse if protests get out of hand. The huge numbers of the disadvantaged who have benefited far less than the urban elites living in the coastal cities - these may number in their hundreds of millions - but that ignores many more hundreds of millions who live in the rural interior!!


Given all this the CCP paints itself as the upholder of the prosperity it says it has created, and nationalistic guardian of a country beset by outside threats.


Many Chinese agree with this description and do not wish for political change - which they associate with political instability.


How misguided the people are in this isn't clear to me - I don't think China has the systems to diffuse social tensions - and the CCP itself has no way to deal with opposition other than oppresion. This means if people do actively start to work against CCP rule it will result in violence.


You have to really respect the Human Rights Campaigners and dissidents who do stand up against that oppression - I can't recommend people do it. The only alternative is to keep your head down, "support" the status quo and hope the stuttering efforts at reform the CCP offers are sufficient and continue.


That is what most Chinese do - with varying amounts of xenophobia against outsiders.


Its a fascinating, complicated country and its future will affect all of us.

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