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Vandalism Of Fred Goodwin's Home


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"Scum that Brown spawned" more like.

You want to blame someone, blame Brown. The buck stops with him. Goodwin is simply being made a scapegoat.

Errr, I'll think you'll find that the appalling Mrs Thatcher made a virtue out of greed. Sorry and all that...


Yes, and that was prior to the previous downturn. This one is all down to the other political party and one chancellor's decisions.

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"Scum that Brown spawned" more like.

You want to blame someone, blame Brown. The buck stops with him. Goodwin is simply being made a scapegoat.

Errr, I'll think you'll find that the appalling Mrs Thatcher made a virtue out of greed. Sorry and all that...

Yes, and that was prior to the previous downturn. This one is all down to the other political party and one chancellor's decisions.

So Mr C, you agree that the wholly immoral stance of making a virtue out of greed, which has led many of those who know better to take risks with other folks money for their personal reward leading to banks and building societies crashing down all around us, was down to Mrs T. I'm glad about that because you're usually so desperate to diss Gordon Brown you come out with the most outlandish statements that just make you look foolish.

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"Scum that Brown spawned" more like.

You want to blame someone, blame Brown. The buck stops with him. Goodwin is simply being made a scapegoat.

Errr, I'll think you'll find that the appalling Mrs Thatcher made a virtue out of greed. Sorry and all that...

Yes, and that was prior to the previous downturn. This one is all down to the other political party and one chancellor's decisions.

So Mr C, you agree that the wholly immoral stance of making a virtue out of greed, which has led many of those who know better to take risks with other folks money for their personal reward leading to banks and building societies crashing down all around us, was down to Mrs T. I'm glad about that because you're usually so desperate to diss Gordon Brown you come out with the most outlandish statements that just make you look foolish.


You obviously misunderstand or have difficulty understanding. I will re-iterate.


This one is all down to the other political party (LABOUR) and one chancellor's decisions (BROWN - Mr. no more boom and bust!)


Taking risks with other people's money has always been the way. Loans and mortgages were available long before Mrs. T., and for as long as they have existed people (tax payers) have defaulted on them. This time many, many people have defaulted and the government has had to bail them out with tax payers money. Effectively, it is tax payers bailing out tax payers. Simples!

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So Brown ordered all those banks and building societies to operate in a totally irresponsible way then! Well I never...


It's just that there's a dickhead on here who is just SO desperate to diss Brown they were spouting off that the BOE MPC did what Brown ordered! Of course, not only has the MPC been shown to be totally independent it's obvious that it might be just a bit too independent. If you're not that particular dickhead who's constantly desperate to diss Brown then I apologise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So Brown ordered all those banks and building societies to operate in a totally irresponsible way then! Well I never...


It's just that there's a dickhead on here who is just SO desperate to diss Brown they were spouting off that the BOE MPC did what Brown ordered! Of course, not only has the MPC been shown to be totally independent it's obvious that it might be just a bit too independent. If you're not that particular dickhead who's constantly desperate to diss Brown then I apologise.

Spoken like a true ZanuLab apparatchik, PK! If you really believe the MPC is completely independent you are niaive. Who chooses who is on the MPC and therefore only appoints those who are known to be sympathetic to Broon's views? Broon's real problem are the professionals like Mervyn King and Charlie Bean but even they have to watch themselves as their appointments are politically governed.


By the way, it's thanks to Mrs T that this country is not now a complete Banana Republic (or at least it wasn't until Bliar, Broon and Co. took over).

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So Brown ordered all those banks and building societies to operate in a totally irresponsible way then! Well I never...


It's just that there's a dickhead on here who is just SO desperate to diss Brown they were spouting off that the BOE MPC did what Brown ordered! Of course, not only has the MPC been shown to be totally independent it's obvious that it might be just a bit too independent. If you're not that particular dickhead who's constantly desperate to diss Brown then I apologise.

Spoken like a true ZanuLab apparatchik, PK! If you really believe the MPC is completely independent you are niaive. Who chooses who is on the MPC and therefore only appoints those who are known to be sympathetic to Broon's views?


I am afraid that this is a point Mr PK just can't get his head around. He can be rather slow at times, like somebody else on here who is also given to calling people names in a juvenile way. I sometimes wonder if they are the same person. Or brothers, perhaps.



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ZanuLab! Albert's been trumped!

Not so much trumped - as enhanced - Zanulab and NuShite. I welcome any new terminology destined to hammer nails into the coffin of Garden Broon and his cronies, not that the competition is up to much, but we are where we are because of Broon et al.

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Spoken like a true ZanuLab apparatchik, PK!

Sorry and all that, wishy-washy liberal Grauniad reader I'm afraid...


If you really believe the MPC is completely independent you are niaive. Who chooses who is on the MPC and therefore only appoints those who are known to be sympathetic to Broon's views? Broon's real problem are the professionals like Mervyn King and Charlie Bean but even they have to watch themselves as their appointments are politically governed.

Now this is funny. The Treasury most certainly have had a problem with the likes of Mervyn King and Charlie Bean - but probably not in the way you would like! Back in January 2008 Professor David Blanchflower, a Chancellor MPC appointee, was arguing that they should cut interest rates as he saw the storm approaching. King, Bean et al wouldn't have it. So thanks to the BoE "insider" appointments things are a lot worse than they could have been. So your laughable "professionals like Mervyn King and Charlie Bean" have been as "professional" as their peer group in places like RBS, Northern Crock, B&B etc etc.


The excellent Robert Peston:

"Most at fault were the banks and bankers – because they systematically failed to do what they were handsomely remunerated to do, which was to properly assess the risks of all that lending."


Is Brown culpable? In part yes he is. However the UK economy is closely linked to the US, and if Greenspan sees no need to do anything then the UK might as well carry on riding on their coattails. But unfortunately it's an English national trait to have to own a house - and then put a 6-foot fence around it! With cheap credit the housing market was always going to take off. What the appalling Thatcher enthused as "the free play of market forces" - yeah, nice one Maggie.


What could they have done? Peston again:

"Mervyn King conceded that our woes stem from a borrowing binge that both fed and fed off the over-valuation of our housing and property markets.


But shouldn't the Bank of England and other central banks have curbed that binge before it became near-lethal?


When in the spring I put this point to King's deputy, Charlie Bean, and also to Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, they both said - in essence - that they don't have the tools, that raising interest rates to put a brake on house-price rises or on the growth of credit would have had unfortunate consequences for the wider economy.

And, in the case of the UK, to have hiked interest rates to stem the bull-market in houses and property would have led to the Bank of England undershooting its inflation target in a way that would have been deemed a failure under the mandate it's been given by the Treasury.


Which perhaps means that central banks need new tools and new targets."

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Which perhaps means that central banks need new tools and new targets."


And whose job was it to give them tools and targets to dampen down the bankers' excesses?


No, not Margaret Thatcher. You need to come forward in time a little.



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Which perhaps means that central banks need new tools and new targets."


And whose job was it to give them tools and targets to dampen down the bankers' excesses?


No, not Margaret Thatcher. You need to come forward in time a little.


Well Mr Sanctimonious Sebrof, it's Peston's quote, so ask him!

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